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The sun rays seeped through the curtains letting me know it was time to get up. I moved around hugging my pillows...wait? Pillows!? I shot from my bed looking around, I was in my room...but how? The last thing I remember was...Oh no! He took me to my room, why didn't he just wake me up?!

I ran to my wardrobe looking for what dress to wear. I chose a pale yellow chiffon dress that reached a bit past my knees. I picked some white flats and tied my hair with a white ribbon and rushed out the door.

To my surprise everyone was in the living room talking. Eric was dressed in his casual attire, Grimsby and Carlotta in their work attire and...Oh! I should try guessing his name today during the carriage ride! The boy wore a light blue shirt and dark blue pants almost like Eric's outfit, Eric must have given it to him.

-"Y/n, dear! Come on, breakfast is ready" Grimsby led us to the dining room where we had a quick breakfast before going outside to the carriage. Everyone bid their goodbyes and we were on our way.

-During the Carriage Ride-

-"You know, I really need to figure out your name!" he turned to me and nodded.

-"Can I guess? Just nod when you hear the right one" he nodded again and I told him every name I knew.

-Lots of Names Later-

-"Henry, John, Robert, Richard...those are the last ones!"

-"None of them are your name? I said more than 50" he nodded sadly and I huffed annoyed that I couldn't guess. He tugged on the sleeve of my shirt and pointed somewhere.

-"Oh! Where here, come on!" I pulled his hand and we walked around looking at all the shops and stands.

-"Oh no, you're not supposed to pull on that" the boy had pulled the puppets off the hand of the person, allowing everyone to see the man hiding behind the curtains.

-"Come on, let's see what else there is" I walked forward but he pulled on my hand pointing to the people dancing.

-"You want to dance?" he nodded and pulled me to the center.

-"Okay, put your hand here and I put mine there" I moved his hands into position on my back and placed mine on his shoulder, our other hands clasped together holding them slightly up.

-"Do you know how to dance? You're really good at this!" he shook his head as a 'no' and spun me around copying what the rest of the people were doing.

He spun me around in the air following the soft melody of the music, and dipped me at the ending. Everyone clapped, and a new song started.

-"I'm a bit tired, you want to see what my favorite thing here is?" He nodded and I held his hand leading him towards the bakery.


I'm so sorry I didn't update I was sick yesterday and we went to my aunt's house today it was a whole busy way to start the year!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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