Dinner Time

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After helping the mysterious guy I ran to my room to get dressed for dinner. I looked around in my wardrobe for a dress to wear. I found a very light y/f/c dress that reached a little past my ankles and had white flowers embroidered on the bottom. I put it on, and struggled a bit tying the bow on the back before going to Eric's office to tell him it was dinner time.

As we walked to the dining room, I explained to Eric what had happened earlier. He nodded and agreed to let him stay here, telling me he would have done the same. We reached the dining room and as usual Grimsby was there holding his pocket watch and staring out the window at the starting sunset.

-"So what do you think of our guest, Grim?" Eric asked as we walked closer to him.

Eric was about to answer but Carlotta's voice interrupted as she told, I really need to figure out his name, don't I? He entered the room wearing a pale pink suit with his hair brushed back.

-"I feel very over-protective of you when your cheeks flush that pink" Eric teased me while I pouted and stepped on his foot, causing the smile on his face to falter.

-"You're so annoying," I whispered to him. The boy walked forward bowing slightly at the two gentlemen and kissed the top of my hand, letting my cheeks flush redder.

-"Come on dears, you all must be famished" Grimsby said and we all walked to our seats. The boy walked ahead pulling a chair for me and pushing it gently after I sat.

-"It's not often that we have a dinner guest, eh, Y/n and Eric"

-"Yeah" Eric answered.

But I didn't as I was too busy giggling at the boy brushing his hair with the fork on the table. I shook my head as a 'no' and signaled him that it was for later. Both men looked at him strangely and confused before they continued their conversation.

Grimsby pulled out his smoke pipe, catching the boy's attention. Grimsby looked proud as he showed him the expensive pipe we had gotten him for his birthday. The boy reached for it and blew air causing all the tobacco smoke to blow onto Grimsby's face. I laughed quietly while Eric smiled and Grimsby frowned, indicated he wasn't too amused.

Eric cleared his throat and apologized to Grimsby while I handed him a handkerchief. Carlotta walked closer to the table placing a hand on Grimsby's shoulder.

-"That's the most fun these two have had at dinner time in a while, hasn't it Mr. Grimsby?" she asked.

-"Yes, very amusing" Grimsby said, rather annoyed and sarcastic as he wiped off the smoke.

The clattering sound of pots and pans falling distracted all of us, as we shifted our attention to where the noise was coming from.

-"Speaking of...,Carlotta, my dear, what's for dinner?" Grim asked after the smoke was wiped off his face.

-"Oh, you're gonna love it!"

-"Chef's been fixing his specialty, stuffed crab"

-"What about...?" I began but was interrupted.

-"Oh, don't worry dear, the chef has made pasta for you, and for the guest if he would like some?" the boy nodded as a 'yes' and Carlotta ran off when the noise got louder.


Yay! The story returns! 

I also wanted to tell you guys something, people have been asking about The Incredibles 2. I really want to do it but there is a few problems. 

The whole movie is mostly about Elastigirl beating the bad guy, and doesn't show the kids the majority of the time. And I could just add the reader into the scenes but it wouldn't make sense, there are all adults and certain scenes don't really make sense to add the reader, who is a kid so...yeah.

I'm trying to figure out a way to add the kids for a majority but it's kinda hard, I might have to re-write multiple scenes(or maybe make like a whole new plot to the story).

So, it might take longer to write this story than I originally thought. I'm sorry that you'll have to wait longer, I'll try working on it as much as I can. But I'm also working on other stories, so it may take a while. 

If you have any ideas you want me to include, please let me know! If you have any requests for any book or movie also let me know! I'd be happy to add it to my writing list! 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! (Sorry for the long author's note!)


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