Part Of Your World

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Scuttle walked down the sand, taking her foot in his hands and placing it on his ear.

-"Oh, I...I can't make out a heart beat" he looked at me sadly.

I looked at the girl moving her y/h/c locks out of her face, and noticed her chest rising as she took small breaths.

-"No, look! She's breathing"

-"She's so beautiful" I moved her face slowly to get a better look at her while singing as softly as a whisper.

-"What would I give to live where you are?"

-"What would I pay to stay here besides you?"

-"What would I do to see you smiling at me?"

-"Where would we walk, where would we run, if we could stay all day in the sun?"

-"Just you and me and I could be"

-"Part of your world" finishing the last lines of the song the girl's eyelids had fluttered opened. The sun had come out, letting her y/e/c eyes shine and cheeks blush red. I caressed her cheek and she smiled at me, it was a peaceful moment until her name was called letting me know it was time to go.


The boy had left me as soon as Eric and Grimsby had come running towards me. I barely knew him, but I missed him already, I wanted him to stay.

-"Y/N!" Max kept me on the ground licking my face until Eric and Grimsby helped me up.

-"Y/n my dear, you had me worried sick! Your brother was up all night looking for you!"

They helped me up, asking me questions if I was alright. I ignored them, staring at the water, my heartbeat quickening and my cheeks probably glowed pink.

-"Th-there was a man, he helped me out of the water, but he's gone. He had such a wonderful voice"

-"Can you walk?" I nodded and let go but almost fell face forward before they caught me.

-"I think your legs are still numb sis, come on let's get you home" he carried me to the castle.

While Grimsby explained that I had slowed too much sea water and had imagined everything. I didn't believe him, how could you imagine a whole person?


Sorry for the late chapter, it's also pretty short so I'll post the next one!

Hope you enjoyed!


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