Going on a trip to London

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Yinny hurry up, we have do drive a lot to get to London. Damon said as he opens the door to my room.

Coming, Damon. Just packing a few of this and that. I said as I grabbed and grabbed and grabbed more things.

Done. I said.

Damon helped me with my trunk, and walked down the stairs.

All done? Stefan asked.
Yup all done. I said.

Good let's hop in. Caroline said.
Had to bring the whole family?! I said

They all staired at me.

Oh. Come on. Fine fine. I'll stop. 🙄

We all hopped in the car, and drove away.

I was meeting my brother, so we can go together, he said he wanted me too meet some people. I hope it isn't our uncle and aunt. They sound like real Bitches.

After driving for hours we stopped to get food.
Elena and Aunt Caroline went inside a restaurant to get food. Damon and I got out of the car, while Stefan and Aunt Bonnie stayed in the car. We saw people walking, who caught our attention. We smelled their blood, we looked at eachother.
Thinking what I'm thinking, I said.
Totally, Damon said as he looked at me and ran(speed) of. I followed. We scared the young girls.
Hello darlings. I said, knowing my eyes were glowing. Omg you scared us, a girl with blonde hair said. You girls look tasty. Damon said as he approached a brunette. I approached the Blondie. Yes, he's right you are, both of you. Damon and I got ready, and in a second we bit them non-stop. When we stopped feeding on them , they hit the ground.

Damon, Yinny. Stefan called.

Damon and I went back to the car, cover in blood.

What the fuck did you do!!?
Bonnie said.

Damon and I exchanged looks, We just had fun, with something that requires blood.
I said

Just get in the car. Aunt Bonnie said.

Oh, and clean yourselfs before entering the car, I just cleaned it. Aunt Caroline said, as she looked out the window.

Yes Aunt Caroline. I said
Yes Care Bare. Damon said.

Damon laughed, and I followed along.

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