Arriving At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy

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After that little drama happened.

We went to King Cross Station.
And crossed the Platform.

We got on the train
And started saying bye to everyone.

Control yourself!!. Stefan said.
Make some new friends!!. Elena said.
Be nice, and practice your magic!!. Said Bonnie.
Send me photos, of Hogwarts!!. Caroline said.
Make sure feed, on people!!!!. Damon said.

DAMON!!!!. everyone said.

I will Damon, relax!. I said.

YINNY!!!. everyone said once more.

What!!?. I said.
Once we got to Hogwarts.

I got sorted.

(Far away 😭
Draco's pov

I heard we were having a new girl this year, but I couldn't be there, cuz me and my girlfriend were in the lavatory/bathroom. My girlfriend is Astoria Green grass. And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy......but when we got to the Slytherin common room, Pansy said that her name was Yinny. The name sounded so familiar, but couldn't figure the puzzle out. Pansy also said she was sorted Into Slytherin. I didn't see the new girl, cuz she went out for a walk.
             End of Draco's pov.

I got sorted into Slytherin.
And I met a new friend, her name is
Pansy Parkinson.
After she gave me a tour of the Slytherin common room, I went out for a walk.

After a while, I went up to the Astronomy Tower, to see the beautiful sky and night.
I didn't last long  there, cuz it was getting cold. So I decided to go back to Slytherin common room. Yeah I lost myself I couple of times, but please, I'm Yinny Lupin Salvatore Potter. I find my ways.
When I got there, I went to my dorm.
(Everyone has their own dorm room, they don't share)
I decided to unpack, and make a few changes to my room.

I changed my bed, to a beautiful Queen Size bed. My sheets were black, with beautiful Red Velvet blanket. I put a shelf full of books, that I like, or i still haven't read. I put a vanity. And desk where I can do my homework. I changed the curtains of my room, I changed them to a light Brown.

After decorating my room, I put some comfortable clothes, and fell right to sleep, and I jumped into my bed.

I slept comfortably.

(I'm sorry if this is short)

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