Years have changed 6

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(Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring)
My phone rang, as I was sleeping..

I checked, and it was Stefan.

So I stood up from bed, and answered my phone.

Hello, stef. I said.

Hello, little vampire. Stefan said.

Why are you calling me. I said.

Well, we wanted to know, how was your first day at Hogwarts. Caroline said.

I sighed.

Well it went ok. Not like the Salvatore school. I renuited, with my childhood best friend. But his bitchy girlfriend, couldn't keep out of my business. I got my first enemy at Hogwarts, fascinating, isn't it. I said.

Wow! So much for your first day huh. Damon said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes.

Yes, so much, Damon. I said.

We hope today goes better, we'll be out of your way for the rest of the day, for sure. So enjoy. Bonnie said.

Yeah, yeah. Byee. I said as I hanged up the phone.

I got dressed up and got ready to go.

Then Pansy came into the room.

Hello, new best friend. She said as she hugged me.

Yeah, right. Hey. I said as I tried to push away from the hug.

Ready to go to breakfast, together. Pansy said.

I-i don't eat breakfast. I said.

Well now you do. Pansy said as she pulled me with her

She swang my door open

Hey, careful with my door. I said.

Sorry. Pansy said.

She swang open the door and cells of the Slytherin house.

Ran and ran, through stairs.

Moving stairs, and finally made it to the Great Hall.

We sat down, and Pansy started eating.

Come on eat. Pansy said.

I-i dont ea-- I said. But pansy interrupted me, by shooving food into my mouth.

As soon as I swallowed my food i said "Never shove food into my mouth.".

Divination Class

I arrived with Pansy to Divination

We sat next to Draco.

Then Draco's girlfriend entered the room, as soon as she saw me sitting next to Draco she walked up to our table.

Your in my seat. Astoria said in not so much hidden anger

Oh, really, well I don't see your name engraved into the seat. So this isn't your seat. I said, with a little smirk on my face.

She slapped her hand on the table.

Was that supposed to scare me, because you failed. I said.

She was about to slap me but Draco stopped her.

Astoria! Stop. There's other seats here. She's just sitting here for now. Sit with your friends. Draco said. .

Fine, but this is not the end of this conversation. Astoria said

Ok. I said

End of class

1 hour later

I was walking to my house, when someone bumped into me

It was a boy in my year, he was wearing a blue squared shirt, with a plant on his hands, which dropped.

He looked up at me and constantly stuttered to talk to me.

.i-i-im ver-r-y so-r-r-y, I did-n't me-an to bu-mp i-i-into y-y-you. He said.

So much stuttering, you should watch where you're going, loser. I said, as I pushed him out of my way.

I saw how other kids bullied him when I left, I didn't feel Shame, or sorry for him. I actually liked to see people getting hurt.

Did you just bump into Neville Longbottom. I heard a voice.

I turned around and it was Ron

That's his name, Neville. What a loser's name. Technically he bumped into me. I said.

You should be careful with him, he's shy. He doesn't have much friends. Hermione said

That isn't really my problem, Hermione, so I'll see if I'll be nice to him. See ya. I said as I walked to my house.

I said the password, and entered my dorm calmly.

I jumped to my bed

And I let out a sight


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