Meeting the fam

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The next day we arrived at London, we went to King Cross station, where Harry said we'll meet up.

I saw Harry, and we all walked up to him.

I made my baddie entrance.

Hello, brother. I said as I had a small smile.

Harry turned around.

Yinny, welcome to uh London..........again. Harry said as he approached me to give me a hug, but stopped him.

Not really a hug person, Harry. But nice to see you too.

Yinny!!. Bonnie said.

What. I answered back

Well Harry, I know you've met most people here, but here's a little reminder.
This is Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, and Elena Gilbert.

Hello, nice to meet you all, well most of you. He said.

Hello Harry. They a said.

So uh, these are, Hermione and Ron. My friends.

Oh, so these are the best of friends you say. Nice to meet ya, I'm Yinny. Yinny Lupin Salvatore Potter. Harry's sister. I said as I approached them.

Nice to meet you. They said.

Nice ring, it's beautiful. Ron and Hermione said.

Ron approached, and grabbed my hand to see it closer. So did Hermione approach.

Ron accidentally took my ring off.

The sun shines on me, almost burned me, so I had to find a place where there were shadows.

Agh! I ran(speed) to the closest shadow.

Are you ok, Harry said.

Yeah, I'm fine.

Ron and Hermione stood in shock.

I my god, I'm so sorry I didn't mean it, it just slipped from my fingers, I didn't mean to. Ron said.

It's fine, just could you hand me my ring back.

He pulled his hand out, but couldn't reach cuz there was sun surrounding me.

Damon snatched it out of Ron's hand, here sis. Damon tossed me it. I catched it.

Why can't you come out, Hermione said.

My eyes glowed as I walked up to the sun with my ring(daylight ring).

She's a vampire! Damon said straight up with no hesitation.

DAMON. We all said except for Ron and Hermione, who had no idea what was going on.

She's she's.....a Vampire!.

Correct! I said as my eyes were glowing more and more.

Harry why aren't you scared. Hermione said.

Oh, well because I already know she's a vampire. I've known since I met her. He said.

I felt dizzy, and like I was about to faint.

Yinny why are your eyes glowing so much.
Ron said.

My eyes are glowing, I said, in a little fainted voice, because I didn't feel well.

The next second I fainted.

When I opend my eyes all I could see was a white room.

I walked and walked it looked like it never ended. Until I saw someone appear. It was my Godfather/dad, Remus Lupin.

Dad!?. I said.

I ran up to him, but when I went up to hug him, he went right through me.

I teared up.

Hunny, you've grown so much. I can't even recognize you. He said.

Daddy, why'd you leave me all alone!. I said crying.
I don't think it's the right time for you to know, my dear.
It's time for you to go back. He said.

Wait da-- before I could finish my sentence, I woke up.

Omg! Yinny your ok. What happened!? Aunt Caroline said.

I-i-i saw him. I said in tears.

Who? Harry said.

My d-dad!. I said once more.
(While I was fainted

Yinny! Yinny!
They all said.

What happened?!. Harry said.

Well as you can clearly see, she fainted. Damon said.

We can see that. But why she faint. Harry said.

You don't know?!. Stefan said.

Um.. no. Harry answered..

Well, when we adopted her, she told us about the drama/dreams she's had of her father/godfather. But as she got older it got worse. She would faint, and say she saw her dad. Her eyes glow, because she's a witch, ofc but since Bonnie teaches her some different magic that you guys might not know. So the magic of her side of Bonnie and Here at Hogwarts mix together, it causes her eyes to glow. It also determines her temper, or her feelings. If we're getting technical. Stefan said.

Well, why didn't she tell me about this? I could've probably helped. Harry said.

Yinny said she told you. Elena said.

Well, obviously she didn't. Harry said

(Then I woke up)

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