Welcome.(A week later)

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New day today.

We all woke up and every prefect from each house, came to tell us that Dumbledore is waiting for us in the Great Hall.

So I was walking with Pansy and Blaise, while Draco and his bitchy girlfriend were by me.

Once we all sat down, and each house was in the Great Hall, Dumbledore gave a small speech.

I'd like to make an announcement, this castle would not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well.
Well you see Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event the triwizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know the triwizard tournament brings 3 schools for a series of magical contest from each school a single student is selected to complete let me be clear if chosen you, stand alone and trust me when I say these contest are not for the faint-heart but more about that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the beauxbatons academy of magic. Headmistress Madam maxi said Dumbledore.

Then the beauxbatons ladies came in with what they call excellent dance.
They dance for like 30 second, but I felt like hours. Mostly every guy was amazed by there dance, and we're drooling all over.

And now our friends from the north please greet the proud sons of drumstrange and the high master Eagle kagura.
Men came in the great Hall with also a dance, which really wasn't a dance.

Literly all the girls were drooling on someone with the name Viktor Krum.
He wasn't of anything. I don't know how girls find him attractive.

We had a little feast, to welcome them.


After our feast was over, Dumbledore said classes were dismissed for today.

Good idea of Dumbledore, I can't stand the teachers, especially with all the homework.

In the Slytherin house
(Common room)

Pansy, Draco, Blaise, And I sat in the common room. While Astoria was with her friends.

Ugh! Today is so boring. Let's play truth or dare. Pansy suggested

That game is for little kids, pansy. I said.

Fine, then let's just ask questions and well answer. Honestly. Pansy said.

Still seems like Truth or Dare. But fine. I said.

So who's going? Blaise said.

I'll go, since looking at your guy's face, you dont want to start. I said.

Let's see, ok. Draco, do you love that bitchy girlfriend of yours. I say with a smirk.

He looks at me, and sighs.

Yes, I really do. Draco says.

Bummer, there are better girls out there. I say.

Like you. Blaise says

Exactly. I said as I slightly smile.

I got one, Yinny who's your crush. Who's someone you love. Pansy asks.

I slightly laugh.

I don't fall in love, love is weak, and stupid. I just like playing with people's heart, and emotions. It's funner that way. I say.

Pansy lights up in a second, which makes me believe she has another question for me.

Even better question, how many people have you, slept with. Pansy asked as she slowly looked me in the eyes to see if that would make me speak the truth.

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