What are you doing here?

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(song: Killer Queen)

2 Months later. (1st of November)

Yinny's pov

I woke up on a Saturday
Ready to do some mischief.

But first everyone headed to the Great Hall, because supposinly a new student was coming. I didn't care about that at all. So instead of heading to the Great Hall, I went out to the black lake. The black lake was way more fun than the Great Hall.

End of Yinny's pov(mine)

Ive been outside, for almost 2 hours. And I decided to head to the Slytherin house.

On my way there, I bumbed into my brother and his friends

Hey Yinny. Harry said.

Hey, Harry.

Where were you. I didn't see you in The Great Hall. Hermione said.

Yeah, listening to the headmaster having a big speech saying random shit, about a new student isn't really my kind of thing I would want to hear. I was at the black lake. I said.

Oh, ok. Harry said.

Where are you headed. Ron said.

Slytherin house. I need to do things. I said.

Ah ok, well we'll catch up later then. Hermione said.

Yeah, sure. I said as I walked away.

As I opend the door to the Slytherin house.
I stopped to hear Draco, Pansy and Blaise talking to someone. It was the new kid. So I hid in this little square area behind the door.

And I listened.

So this is the Slytherin house. Pansy said

This looks awesome. A boy said

The voice sounded familiar, but I didn't think much of it

We do need to warn you, about someone. Blaise said.

And who is that. The boy said.

Pansy, Draco and Blaise all looked at eachother.

"There is this girl, the most beautiful in the world. She has all the boys in Town/Hogwarts wrapped 'round her finger." Draco said

"She will/would walk the halls and, everyone will/would whisper and talk" Blaise said.
'cause all the girls in town/Hogwarts want/ed to be her.

"But behind those Emerald eyes, she's a devil in disguise, the prom queen has blood on her hands" Draco said.

"Every boy and girl she dates disappears without trace" pansy said

"So be careful when she asks you to dance". Blaise said

I slightly smiled, cuz as I heard those words, I knew they were talking about me.

" She's a mother fucking killer queen, a psychopath at fourteen. A beauty in a blood-stained dress. She'd fill your heart with Kerosene. And light you up 'til you cant breathe. If you cross her path you just might end up dead."Pansy, Blaise and Draco said

I walked over where they were and said

I looked over and saw a young boy, curly black hair, with a cute face. It was Matteo, my ex boyfriend almost husband. Ik right, so stupid.

My evilish smile faded.

I've known Matteo, when I moved to Mystic Falls. We became friends and all, and slightly everything changed, we got closer and closer, which we started dating. After let's say 2 years of dating, he asked me to marry him, by that time I already knew he was a vampire, and he was over a thousand years old. I said no, to marrying him because I was just a kid, and he was WAY older than me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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