The Special star.

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I was writing my notes, on a potion we were gonna brew. When someone took my quill.
I turn my head around to see who it is. I see it's Draco.

"Hey! Give me my quill back". I said.

"No". He said, as he was holding it over his head. I start to jump up, trying to get my quill back. Then I accidentally knock him over, now he was on the floor, and I was on top of him. We stare at eachother' s eyes, but quickly get up. I offer him my hand, even though I was annoyed, at him for stealing my quill.

"If you wanted a quill so badly, you should've brought your own". I said.

"No thank you". He said as he brushed himself off, and walked back to his seat.

"Enough, with your funny little Business, Mr. Malfoy, Miss....Lu-". Snape says but I interrupt
"Miss. Salvatore, would be much better, professor Snape." I said

"Miss. Salvatore". He responded.
After class.

We are all packing out stuff.

Draco runs off, and I chase after him, using my "Vampire Speed".

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, give me my quill back, now!!".

"Beautiful Necklace". He says teasingly.

"Thanks". I say sarcastically.

He spills ink in me.


Draco laughs.

I spilled ink all over Draco.

"YINNY". draco said.

I laughed.

We both went to the girls/boys lavatory.

To clean ourselves.

After finishing cleaning myself up. Draco appears out of a shadowy corner.

" I wonder why, you'd need new, clean clothes". Draco said as he lifted my chin up to his height.

"Very funny, Draco!". I said.

"Meet me at the Astronomy Tower tonight, I wanna show you something". He said

"You wis"----i said, but got cut off.

"Please". He said.

"I'll see". I responded, as I left the lavatory.

Later that might.

I decided to see draco.

So I ran up the stairs, that leaded to the Astronomy Tower.

When I got there, I saw Draco looking at stars, with a blanket over him.

He turned his head to me
"You made it!!" He said excitedly.

I roll my eyes, and sat next to him.

"Well what do you need." I asked.

"I didn't really need anything, I just want to talk to you, get to see how your life was when you moved away. I want you to tell me everything." Draco said.

"Well I think it's your turn, I already gave a full speech of my life, now it's your turn."

"Well nothing in my life changed. It's still the same. Just father, has gotten a little more.....-"

"Strict." I Said

"Yeah". Draco said.

"But mostly, my life is a mess. I tried being friends with your brother in our first year at Hogwarts. But I was rejected. Now all I do is bully him. All people think I'm evil, except for my friends, or I think their my friends."Draco said.

"Draco, your not evil. I know you most then everyone here at Hogwarts. You're not evil. Your the most amazing person I've ever meeten. And why would they not be your friends. Ofc there your friends. And who cares if their not. You have me. And your stupid little girlfriend". I said.

"Hey!. She is a very good girlfriend". Draco said.
" I doubt that". I replied.

We both laughed.
We cuddled
(In a friend way)

You come here alot. I said

Yeah, always. Mostly in the middle of the night. He said.

I smiled.

I missed you y'know. He said as he smiled at me

I missed you too. I smiled back.

We talked and talked more.

I told him more about me.

He told me more about him, and what he was up to, when I left.

I was very surprised he remembered me fainting alot, since my Godfather died.

He asked me if that still happened.

Ofc I said yes.

I can't hide nothing from my best friend.

He hugged me even tighter, so did I.

We stayed till 2 o'clock. In the morning.
Watching the stars.

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