We meet Again

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The next Day
I got up, and headed to the Great Hall, just to talk, because I don't eat breakfast.
Then everyone went to their classes.

I had to go out the the forest for our first class. It was with Hadgrid.

We were learning about a Animal which is called a Hippogriff.

Today we will be learning about a special animal I have. Hadgrid said.

Hadgrid brings it in.

Hadgrid what exactly is that?!. Ron asked.

This is a Hippogriff. Hadgrid responded.

Can I kill it?!. I said, with confidence

Everyone started at me.

Kidding!!!. I said

(Blah, blah, blah)
(Trying to finish this chapter, cuz I have school tmr)

After class, we were all getting ready to leave.
When I bumped into someone and dropped their books.

Watch it mud-- a boy with blonde hair said.
Sorry!!- I said
He looked up at me, and said.
"Your the new girl aren't you."
"Yeah, I am. My name is Yinny".
I stared into his blue/grey eyes.

Do....do I know you from....somewhere. I said.
No, I don't think so- he said.
No, I do. I definitely do. I said.

Flashback/Past Years/Memories
(Draco x Yinny
As babies/kids)

-Draco and Yinny running around Malfoy Manor.

-Draco and Yinny Laughing

-Hey that's Mine- 4 years old Yinny
No, it's Mine- 4 year old Draco.

-4 year old Yinny hitting Draco
And 4 year old Draco hitting Yinny.

Hey! No! Don't fight!. You guys are best friends. Apologize. Draco's mum said.

I'm sorry Yinny
I'm sorry Dray

We hugged eachother

-Yinny and Draco
Eating ice cream.

Hey! Dray does my ice cream smell funny.

Draco puts his face close to Yinny's ice cream.

Yinny Smashes her ice cream in Dracos face.

Yinny laughs.

Draco does the same to Yinny.
Draco starts to laugh.

-6 year old Yinny and Draco

Draco visiting Yinny at the Orphanage

(The day Yinny got Adopted)

Draco putting on a necklace, he got for Yinny.

Bye! Dray!- Yinny
Bye! Yinn- Draco

End of flashback

D-draco...... I said as I felt a tear falling down my cheeck.

Umm- how'd you know my name. He said

It's me-- Yinny, Yinny Lupin Salvatore Potter. I said as I also showed him the necklace he gave me, when we were kids

Yinny?!!. Draco said as he hugged me

I hugged him back.

(Ik I said I'm not a hugger but, it's a good excuse, to be hugging someone)

We were both felt tears falling, down on our cheecks.

With Harry, Hermione, and Ron
(I guess you can say it's their povs)
Hey, Harry what is Yinny doing with Malfoy. Hermione said.

I don't know. Harry said.

We saw them hug.

We stood in shock.

I-is Malfoy hugging Yinny. Ron said.

Hermione staired at Ron.
End of their (pov ig)

Wh-what are you doing here?. Didn't you attend a school in Mystic Falls/Virginia.
Draco said.

Y-yeah I did. But Stefan and Damon decided i should go to Hogwarts, for the rest of the years, or for a couple years.
I said.

Stefan? Damon? Draco said confused

The people that adopted me.

Oh right right. He said.

Y'know, when, Pansy told me about the new girl, named Yinny. I knew that name sounded so familiar. He said.

We talked and walked at the same time.

So how's life been, since y'know, moved away. Draco said

It's actually been real amazing.
When I moved to Mystic Falls, I attended "The Salvatore School" named after the Salvatore Brothers, the one who adopted me. Because they saved the whole Mystic Falls from evil, coming. And I've been learning new magic. Without wands, and since I guess I'm 2 kind of witches, one that uses a wand. And one who uses no wand. Let's say both my magic, mix, and which cause my eyes to glow. It also determines my temper, or my feelings. If we're getting technical. And I found out that the people I live with are vampires.

Vampires!!!!!?. Draco said a she interrupted me

Yes, Dray, vampires.

I got turned into a vampire at 8 years old, so you can say I'm still a vampire, I could have the choice to also get the cure to turn back human, but it's better as a vampire.

Your life seems like a mess of drama. Draco said.

Oh it is. I said.

We stopped walking.

Dray, who cutted your hair.? I asked.

Why?!. He said

It's uneven. I said as I moved some of his hair away from his eyes.

Then we both heard a "mhm".

We then looked at who it was.

Well, dray, I'ma leave. I said

Excuse, me who do you think you are. I'm the only one who is Allowed to call him Dray. A girl with dark brown hair said.

I chuckled. And may I ask who you are?! I asked.

Astoria Greengrass.
His girlfriend.

Girlfriend!!. I bursted out laughing.

What are you laughing at. Astoria said.

Oh, no nothing. I never knew Draco here, would be interested in garbage. I said. As I laughed.

She gasped. And put her hand on my neck and pushed me to the wall.

Babe, stop!. Draco said.

Oh, I made ugly girly mad. I said.

Don't you ever say that to me. She said

Or else, what!. I said.

Or else you wanna die. She said.

I grabbed her by the neck and pushed her to the wall. She grunted.

Yinny!!. Draco said.

Look here, Greengrass. I'm Draco's best friend. And you also don't wanna mess with me, cuz you don't know me. I can easily kill you in second. You might not know who I am.

Hi I'm Yinny, Yinny Lupin Salvatore Potter.

I'm a vampire, you'll die in 5 second. So don't mess with me.

I let her go, see you in Potions, dray. I said. As I left.
Ok, see ya Yinny.
I went to talk to Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
For a while

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