Days Like This

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Days like this, I don't know what to think.
As my head is a mess and I don't think I have any idea how to sort that out.
Days like this, I find it's hard to keep myself grounded.
As my strength slips away and I find it's difficult for me to carry the burden, all alone.
Days like this, make me questioning my worth.
As their opinion keeps getting louder. And slowly but surely, it's slipping through the crack of my wall.
And days like this, I realize how truly human I am.
As the feelings always on repeat every now and then.
No matter how many times I overcome it.
So on days like this, I decided to allowed myself to breath. To feel. To being consumed by all of that feeling.
Without any guilt. Without any regret.
As I know, it will always come back to that.
The never ending process of growing.
Even when you already heal.
Because healing doesn't mean you will stop growing.

Sincerely me,

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