The Idea of Us

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I find it amusing,
The way I used to entertain the idea of 'us'.
When in reality it's only you and me.
Not 'us'. Never us.
I only realize now that,
The way you seem to always care is your way of being kind,
The reason you always trying to make me smile is your way to be supportive,
And your decision to stay in my life is your way to make me feel less alone.
But of course the old naive me mistook all of that as something more. Hoping for something more.
The fact that I feel butterflies in my stomach each time doesn't help either.
Indeed it was my reaction towards you, but now I know it is not the reaction caused by you.
Because as I think about it now, I always crave attention. The attention I only got from you.
So just like a fool, I thought we have a chance to be something more. And start creating the idea of 'us' in my head.
Only to face disappointment for myself and awkwardness for you.
And for that I am truly sorry.
For putting such a burden into you.

Sincerely me,

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