Circumstances make you, YOU!

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Is it wrong if I say that I find my comfort being alone? 

Especially if..

The only company I got is people that can't respect others and think they are never wrong in the first place.

Is it weird if I say that I find my real voice only through writing? 

Especially if..

People don't even bother to listen to what I say aloud. 

And regardless, if they listen, they only listen to reply. Not to truly understand. 

Is it a sin if I say that I find their opinion doesn't matter anymore? 

Especially if.. 

The only opinion they have about me is based on what their mind believes about me. Not the reality of me. 

So, you tell me. Is it really a problem for me to feel that way?

Sincerely me, 

Just Me SayingWhere stories live. Discover now