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Losing a parent or anyone you truly love is miserable.
I wish nobody would go through that heartache.
But we have to be realistic.
Sooner or later it is going to happen to everyone.
It's gonna happen to you. And it's gonna happen to me. Again.
When that time comes around, i hope you know this.,
The heartache. The pain. It will never stop.
What they said about 'time heals everything' 'you going to be okay' n stuff is one big fat lie.
No. Time doesn't heal everything. Time just provides temporary distraction.
And no. You are not going to be okay. You're just going to be strong.
Some days, yes. you're going to be alright. You don't feel pain as much .
That's because you tend to forget about them since you just used to live your life without them.
So if you don't remember them for a certain amount of time, don't feel guilty. That's just how you learn to cope with the pain. By forgetting. It doesn't mean they're vanished from your heart or your love for them has disappeared for good, because I can assure you it doesn't. True love always stay.
Other times, you will remember everything and the pain becomes unbearable to handle.
Also stop being regretful because you feel like you are not accepting your fate and move on. It's not true. It has nothing to do with accepting reality, and everything to do with feeling and emotion. Which is not in our control all the time.
Whatever it is, I hope you know that even if everything doesn't feel perfect without them anymore, at the end of the day, you are still gonna be alright because happiness still exists even in imperfection.

Sincerely me,

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