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This was somewhat inspired by an Avengers movie and a certain scene (see if you can guess it!)

Pronouns used: She/her (sorry!!!)

@Geekmerp22 don't read this!!! You will hate it! :) 

Warnings: Slight swearing, knifes, blood, kissing (I guess if that's a warning?)

"Soda!" I yell, skidding to a stop in front of the Curtis house.

"What?" A shout comes from inside.

I yank the door open, a wild and crazy grin plastered on my face, "I have the best idea ever."

Inside, sits Steve and Soda, playing poker. Darry sits in his chair; he looks up at me groggily, so I assume that I just woke him from a nap. Pony and Johnny are watching Mickey Mouse, along with Two-Bit. And my brother, Dallas Winston, is nowhere to be seen.

I had met the gang when I got into trouble with some Socs. The Socs said that that night, to meet them at the park, and we would settle it. Not one to back down from a rumble, I accepted. I then had called the number Dally gave me if I ever needed help, (notice how he said 'if I ever needed help'. Not if I ever needed him.) and some guy named Sodapop answered it.

I asked if Dally was there, and the phone was handed off to my big brother. After I told him the situation, he said he would be there with backup.

Later that night, I was at the park, almost shitting my pants. I didn't know if Dally was going to show up or not. Hell, I hadn't even seen him in two years.

We were close as kids, but as our circumstances got worse, we drifted apart, and left each other to fend for ourselves.

I was eight at the time.

I was waiting for someone to show up, when a blue mustang rolled up to the park. I stood straighter, and took out my blade.

I'm sure I looked stupid, standing alone.

But just as ten Socs were walking over to me, grins on their faces, I heard shouts and yells from down the street.

I looked over, and a wide grin spread on my face. Seven guys were jumping and running all over the place. I saw my brother at the front of the pack, along with a muscular brown-haired guy. (Darry.)

"Hey bro!" I yelled.

"Hey." He smirked back at me. As they approached, he said, "I heard that my kid sister got into some trouble, so I just had to make sure that you weren't doing anything bad without me."

"Sorry." I shrugged, "But I've committed many felonies without you."

Dally playfully slugged me in the shoulder.

"Alright!" A Soc yelled, "Are we gonna settle this, or are you chickening out?"

One guy behind Dally scoffed, "This is what I do for fun! If anything it should be you who's chickening out."


And so, the fight had began.

We won obviously, but not without some cuts and bruises.

Dally had brought be back to the Curtis household, and formally introduced me to the rest of the gang (or as formal as you can get with Dallas Winston.)

And that's how I joined the Curtis gang.

I hit it off with Soda and Steve the best, but all the boys were like brothers to me.

Sodapop Curtis Oneshots {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now