Rumble- Pony

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So, I'm trying something different. Instead of a Soda x Reader, this will be a Pony x Reader. Just as a heads up! (This is shorter than my usual chapters)

"A rumble? But we don't even know the Curtis gang that well! If you can call 'em a gang. They're disorganized and lazy." I protest. 

"If ya don't wanna come, ya don't hafta come-" 

"Oh, I'm coming." I mutter, crossing my arms, "I don't back down from a rumble." 

"But greasers stick together." Tim Shepard, my older brother, finishes. 

"I know!" I whine, "But someone could get hurt!" 

Tim rolls his eyes, knowing that I'll come either way. Curly, my twin brother, hooks an arm around my shoulders. 

"Come on sis! It'll be fun!" Curly says and I push him away. He pokes me in the side and I take a glace at his finger. He still has that scar from when he and his "friend" Ponyboy Curtis, brother to the leader of the Curtis gang, played Chicken by holding burning cigarettes against their fingers. I sigh, doubting it'll ever heal. 

Luckily, I've never met any of the Curtis gang. They're too chaotic. 

However, I don't back down from a rumble. Plus, Curly was right. Rumbles are fun. 

"Fine. I'll go." 


I stand in the middle of the lot, the cold rain mixing with my sweat. We had just beat the Socs, and I was now celebrating with my brothers. I jump on top of Curly, piggy-back style, and hug him tightly. 

"We did it!" I yell in his ear. Curly whoops in response. He turns in a fast circle, whirling me around. 

I hop off, and then take his face in my hands, "You okay?" I examine his face for cuts and bruises. There is a large bruise across his jaw and a couple cut here and there, but other than that, he looks fine. 

"Are you?" Now it's his turn to examine me. Not many people would expect this from the Shepard's- we're known for being all rough and tumble- but when it comes to family, we stick together. 

"Thanks Curly." A new voice says from behind us, "We couldn't have done it without you." 

I turn to see a boy with bright blond hair (it must be bleached as his eyebrows are a different color) with grey-ish green eyes. He looks rough. He has many bruises and cuts all over his body. He's covered in mud and rain. 

"You should be thanking Tim, not me." Curly says, but nods in respect at the boy, "I don't think you've been introduced." Curly turns to me and I glare slightly at the boy. 

"You must be Y/n, Curly's twin sister?" The boy asks, holding out his hand for me to shake. 

But, instead of shaking his hand, I flip it over so the palm is facing upwards. Just as I suspected, on the index finger is a burn hole. 

"You're the famous Ponyboy Curtis." I don't say it as a question, it's a fact. 

"Is that a good thing?" Pony asks. 

I look him up and down, "I guess we'll find out." 


Pony and I have been hanging out more and more. At first, it started with Curly and I bumping into him on the streets. Then it was both of us at the library at the same time. Then it was our gangs being at Jay's at the same time. Then, eventually, we started hanging out- just the two of us. 

Just as friends, of course. 

Those slight butterflies that I got whenever I saw Pony couldn't mean anything. Could they? 

I mentally scold myself. I was a greaser for gods sake! I shouldn't have feelings for Pony! Wait. Crap. Did I just admit to having feelings for him? 

I sigh, not knowing what to do. I would go to Tim or Curly for advice, but they would either laugh at me or not believe me. 

I think that my best bet would to be just tell him, and if it all goes wrong... tell him it's a joke or a dare or something. 

Yeah. That'll work. 

After hyping myself up, I head to the library, the place where Pony and I usually meet. I find him there, reading To Kill a Mockingbird. 

"Oh!" Pony glances up, smiling, "Hey Y/n/n! I'm reading this new book, To Kill a Mockingbird! I think you would really like it. It came out a couple years ago, but it's about-" 

I interrupt him, fiddling with my fingers, "Could I talk to you?" 

"...Yeah?" Pony stands and follows me to some secluded shelves. "What's up?" 

I clear my throat and start talking, "So... I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I've really liked spending time with you, and I kinda just realized that I might... like you. In more than a friend way." 

Pony blinks. "Oh." His voice is quiet and I see a slight blush rise in his cheeks. "Really?" 

"Yeah." I tense, waiting for the refusal. "Can you please say something?" I ask after a minute. 

"Well, okay." Pony smiles shyly, "I like you too. I didn't really wanna say anything because I didn't wanna ruin our friendship but-" 

"Can I kiss you?" I cut him off. 

If he wasn't blushing before, he's blushing now, "S-Sure?" He squeaks out. 

My mouth twitches in a small smile as I lean forward and press my lips to his.

Sodapop Curtis Oneshots {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now