Fire (Part 2)

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Sodapop Curtis and Y/n Y/l/n held an unsteady truce.

At school, they ignored each other, and occasionally acknowledged each other. They didn't throw each other dirty looks, and they didn't challenge each other to a duel of words. They were at a cold ceasefire.

No one knew what happened.

The entire school was at a standstill.

The Socs and greasers waited. Waited for something to happen and explode. They waited for something to happen to make everything go back to normal.

You see, the Socs and greasers usually used Soda and Y/n's argument as an excuse to fight. They used it for the fuel to the fire. But the fire had seemed to fizzle out. And it was replaced by sparks.

Whenever Soda smiled stiffly at Y/n, she felt a lump in her throat and her heartrate accelerate.

She didn't know what was happening.

Y/n was so used to the burning hatred for Soda that she didn't realize what was happening. She had gotten used to Soda hating her and herself hating Soda that she didn't know what to think. Doing anything but hating Soda was so uncommon and uncomfortable for her that she began to question her relationship with him. She was scared to admit any feelings as she felt like people would laugh. She didn't know how hatred could turn into affection. But was it ever hatred? Or was she jealous of all the girls hanging off of Soda's arm, and just took it out on Soda himself?

Whenever Y/n waved shyly at Soda, he felt a fuzziness emerge in his stomach and he felt his mouth stretch into a smile.

Admittedly, it was usually his gang that provoked her. Y/n just bit back, trying to drive them away. It wasn't her fault that she was so cold to him. He did usually hate her comments, but found them endearing; a person that wasn't susceptible to his charms. It did frustrate him, so it may have seemed like he hated her, but he never truly did. Not like he hated the other Socs. This hate was more... captivating.

Yes, he knew he came off cold to her, but he wasn't sure how else to communicate with her. When Soda first met Y/n, he had tried to flirt with her, but she quickly brushed him off. As time went on, it became clear that she didn't have any interest in him. And that was something new to him. The one person whom he could catch. It became like a game, until her comments became more biting and harsh.

He bit back, a first with a smile on his face, but it soon turned sour.

But after she apologized to him, he didn't know what to think.

And now he had a problem. Something that he certainly couldn't go to his brothers for, and the rest of the gang wouldn't take it seriously. He needed her.

So that's how one day, after school, he found himself seeking her out. It wasn't hard. She was in the middle of a cluster of Socs, being the life of the party as always.

Soda felt his jaw clench as he saw a boy rest his arm over Y/n's shoulders and she didn't make any move to shrug him off.

Soda watched from a distance for a little until he gathered his courage.

He approached the group.

The Socs quickly noticed and cleared a way for him. There were whispers and taunts, but Soda didn't stop until he reached Y/n.

"What do you want?" The Soc on Y/n's arm sneered.

"Daniel." Y/n whispered to the boy, "Let him talk."

"Why should I?" Daniel challenged, "He's just a slimy greaser."

Y/n cringed. Those were the words she used against Soda a couple days before.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you." Soda said, staring at Y/n.

"Um..." She glanced at Daniel, "Sure."

Daniel scoffed and let his arm fall from her shoulders.

"Come on." Y/n said meekly as the whispers around them increased. She had never been the blunt of the talk before.

She led Soda around the school and to a little alcove.

"I'm sorry." She sighed, rubbing her temples, "That was obscene of them."


"Mean, cruel, offensive." Y/n rattled off synonyms of obscene, "I'm sorry." She repeated, "What did you want to tell me?"

Your pov

"What did you want to tell me?"

Soda stiffened and rubbed the back of his neck. "I-I've been thinking about dropping out of school."

"What?!" I cried, "You can't! Soda, you have your whole life ahead of you. You need to stay in school."

"Why?" Soda said dejectedly, "I'm failing almost every class, and if I drop out, then I could get a job and help my family out."

I bit my bottom lip, "I can help you! I'll tutor you and we can bring your grades back up. Soda, you can't throw your life away."

"What life? I'm not leaving Tulsa. There isn't a life for people like me."

I sighed, but couldn't think of a better reason, "Where are you thinking of working?" I asked in defeat.

"The DX. I can help with cars and it has pretty good pay."

I nodded and smiled sadly, "Then I'll come visit you, every day."

Soda smiled down at me, "What changed? Why are you so nice now?"

I shrugged, but couldn't say anything, "Maybe," I said after a while, "I realized that maybe Socs and greasers shouldn't be fighting. We're all people."

Soda smiled, and his eyes lit up. His hand reached up and cupped my face. His eyes flickered down to something below my nose and his smile grew bigger.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

My eyes widened and I swallowed. "Y-Yeah." I stammered.

Soda slowly leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. He kissed me carefully, like I might break. My arms wrapped around his neck as butterflies made their way into my stomach. Soda's hands were on my lower back and he pressed me closer.

After a minute, we broke away, breathing heavily.

I smiled until I remembered an important fact.

"Shit." I whispered.

"What?" Soda looked concerned, an eyebrow raised.

"Well, for one, Daniel asked me out earlier today." I looked down, "And I said yes."

Soda inhaled sharply and his jaw clenched, "Well, that dampens the mood. What's the second thing?" He asked hesitantly.

"Well, we're supposed to hate each other, and yet we just kissed, and admittedly, I really liked it."

Soda leaned down and kissed me again, long and hard. When we separated, he said, "I really liked it too."

Part 3 is coming soon!

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