Sirens (Prequel to Cops)

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Soda pov

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Soda!" Darry yelled from somewhere in the house, "Can you get the phone?" 

"Sure!" I called back. I picked up the phone, "Hello? This is the Curtis house, Sodapop speaking." 

"Hi?" A feminine voice answered, "Is Dally Winston there? Or do I have to wrong number?" She sounded panicked and rushed.

"Uh... no." I said, "He should be here, give me a second. Dally!" I yelled, "It's for you!" 

"Who is it?" He asked, appearing behind me. 

"I don't know." I shrugged, "Some girl. Did you hook up with someone again?" I asked accusingly. 

"No." He growled and snatched the phone from me, "It's Dally. Who's this?" After a second he exclaimed, "Y/n?!" 

"Who's Y/n?" I asked. 

"None of your business." He brushed me off, "What's wrong?" 

I heard some hurried talking on the other end. It was muffled, so I couldn't hear what was being said.

"Don't you have anyone else to help you?" Dally asked desperately. 

"Dallas Winston!" Shouted Y/n from the other end. Some more muffled yelling. 

Dally's eyes flickered around to the gang, "Fine." He said, cutting the girl off, "I'm sorry. Is that what you want to hear? I'll be there with backup. Just... don't do anything bad until I get there." 

Y/n said something that sounded like, "No promises." Before Dally hung up the phone. 

"Who's Y/n?" I repeated my question. 

Dally groaned and pushed pass me. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. He popped it open and took a long swig. "Thought she would be fine without me." He mumbled, "But noooo. She had to slash the Socs tires. Now she comes running to me, wanting to not die." 

"Darry!" I yelled, "Dally's have a crisis again!" 

"What?" Darry came into the room, heading for his chair, "About what?" 

I shrugged, not knowing what to say. We followed Dally into the living room, where he flopped down on the couch before taking another swig. 

"What's up, Dal?" Johnny asked. 

"We have to go to a rumble tonight." Dally said, draining the bottle. 

"What?!" The entire gang yelled at him.

"What did you do?" Darry rumbled, glaring at Dally. (Get it? Rumbled? They have to go to a rumble?)

"It's not what I did," Dally said, "It's what my... kid sister did." 

"You have a kid sister?" Johnny asked, "And you never told us?!"

"I don't tell you guys a lot of things." Dally pointed out.

"But a human being is pretty hard to leave out." Two-Bit said, running a hand over his face. 

Dally chuckled, making me wonder what else we had missed. Silence followed his laugh. 

"Well?" Steve cried, "Tell us about her!" 

"Yeah?" Two-Bit smirked, "Like, is she hot?" 

Dally scowled, "That's my kid sister." He clenched his jaw before continuing, "Her name is Y/n. We're about a year or so apart. We were pretty close as kids but then things got worse. We parted ways and I didn't hear from her for a long time. Saw her at parties a couple times, but didn't talk. She seemed a little roughed up, but then again so was I. I don't know." He grumbled. 

"That's it?" Pony asked after a minute, "She's your sister. Surely you have more to say about her."

Dally shook his head, "Haven't talked in nine years."

"So," Darry said, "You haven't talked in nine years and yet she expects you to show up for her at a rumble where we could potentially get hurt? Yeah, not happening." 

Dally stood, matching Darry's stance, "I'm not leaving her. Winston siblings stick together." 

"Well, obviously not enough." Darry said harshly, "If you haven't talked in nine years." 

Dally snarled, "I'm going, whether you are or not. Greasers stick together." 

"Fine." Darry said, "Go ahead." 

"Then I'm going too." I said, "Dally's right. Greasers stick together. No matter what." 

"I'll go." Steve raised his hand. 

"Me too!" Pony said and I mentally cringed. Darry would not be happy about that.

"Absolutely not!" Darry thundered, "Not without me. I'm not letting you get hurt!" 

"Then come!" Pony argued, "You can protect me and the rest of us if you're there!" 

Darry growled. I could see the conflict in his mind. But I also felt bad. Darry shouldn't need to protect us. He shouldn't have grown up so quickly. 

"Fine." Darry gave up, "Let's go." 

"I am a greaser." I chanted, "I am a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city. I beat up people. I rob gas stations. I am a menace to society. Man, do I have fun." 

The gang whooped when I got done. 

We made it over the crest of the hill and saw the park. On the opposite end was a blue Mustang, with Socs spilling out of it. Maybe ten or so. 

And at the center of the park was a girl. Her hair tied up and her blade out. 

When she heard our calls, she turned and I saw the prettiest girl I had ever seen. She had (s/c) skin, (h/c) hair, and bright (e/c) eyes. I assumed she was Y/n. 

She seemed relived at the sight of us. 

"Hey bro!" She yelled.

"Hey." Dally called back. As we approached, he said, "I heard that my kid sister got into some trouble, so I just had to make sure that you weren't doing anything bad without me."

"Sorry." Y/n shrugged, "But I've committed many felonies without you."

Dally slugged her on the shoulder.

"Alright!" A Soc yelled, "Are we gonna settle this, or are you chickening out?"

I scoffed and yelled back, "This is what I do for fun! If anything it should be you who's chickening out." The gang chuckled.

"Never!" The Soc barked.

And so, the fight had begun.

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