Chapter One.

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November 29th 2022.

Christmas is a time of year where you spend with family, friends, loved ones and those you cherish and hold most dearest to you.

Of course not everyone is fortunate to spend a Christmas with somebody, there are people out there who spend Christmas all alone.

Sometimes because they want to but most of the time it's because they don't have a choice maybe they don't have a somebody to spend Christmas with.

Everybody faces that day, the day when you wake up and realize you'd be spending Christmas all alone while others were spending it with a special someone.

Me, I don't think I have a choice though, I'll probably be spending Christmas all alone.

all I can think about is the times when I was young, Christmas was such a happy place for me, as a child even the littlest things are exciting.

Even one new toy can make you happy as a child, but as you grow  older Christmas starts to get lest exciting you're expectations for what you want on Christmas changes.

Instead of toys you want  that special person next to you on Christmas you'd want nothing more, for some people its family that they want by their side for Christmas and for some people it's their friends, or even a lover.

Everyone's expectations is different on Christmas when we're older, but we all kind of want the same thing in a way.

The comfort of somebody to hold close.

So a little on me, Hi I'm Delilah I'm a 21 year old orphan who has no family and I lived in a orphanage for most of my life but now I live in a shelter things haven't been so good with me.

I grew up without my mom, to tell you the truth I've never met her, all I know is that she abandoned me when she gave birth to me and then two weeks later she died in a plane crash.

The orphanage that she sent me to told me everything, even though she abandoned me I still cried after all she was still my mother and I was a child.

I don't know who my father is and I don't know if he's alive or dead if only I knew something..anything, I would go searching but I can't.

So growing up all I really had was myself and the kids at the orphanage who were my friends, and the nuns at the orphanage who took care of me and helped me grow into an adult today, so yes I wasn't completely alone.

But, I grew up and eventually I knew I would have to leave the orphanage I couldn't stay there forever.

I stayed in the shelter and tried to get a job and then out of nowhere one day I got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello? Yes this is she..may I ask who's speaking?"

"I'm your aunt Serena..I'm your mom's sister I recently found out that she had you and I've searched every orphanage in Brooklyn until I finally found you, I'm calling because i was wondering if you'd wanna come live with me I know this all probably sudden..and confusing to you..but it's about to be Christmas and-"

"Mhm Yes yes of course I'll pack my things right away!" I said excitedly without no hesitation. "Oh—I didn't expect you to..say yes that quickly, alright then well im glad we're in agreement I can't wait to see you im coming to pick you up I'll be there soon."

Finally, someone to spend Christmas with although I didn't know her, she reached out to me and that's all it took for me to have hope.

She must've known so much about my mom, there was so many things I wanted to ask her about my mom..

I wonder why my mom wouldn't tell her about me but of course if my mother mentioned me to her sister she wouldn't be able to abandon me like she did that day.

But this was a new beginning a new start for me and finally my life was coming together.

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