Chapter nine.

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I watched my mom called my grandfather and I felt so heartbroken for her of course I didn't know him well but I even heard he was a great one deserves this, if I had another option I would definitely chose it but time was running out and all I can think of was my mom.

Was it selfish of me? Maybe..but she was my only one wish for Christmas and I finally could have her back and that's all I needed right now.

I spent time with my mom and we went shopping together, and bought many clothing, makeup, accessories, and different things we probably wouldn't have these in the future so we were just enjoying what little time we had left together in the past.

After that she took me out for dinner. "Mom you really love your steak." She laughs, "we're literally the same age right now people will stare if you keep calling me your mom." She told me chewing her food.

I drank my water and smiled, "but your my mom what else am I suppose to call you." I said laughing as I ate my food as well. "this food is really delicious thanks mom you know...I never had this much fun in my life."

"How was it like in the future?" She asked me.

I looked at her with saddened eyes, because if she truly knew what it was like for me she would be heartbroken.

"I was abandoned put into the orphanage at a young age..of course I had friends and the nuns who took care of me until I was 18 still got lonely I wanted a family a mom and dad, every single time I would get my hopes up when a family came to adopt a child, I thought it would be me but it would just end up being one of my friends and then eventually all my friends left and it was just me." I told her honestly.

"That must've been really hard I'm sorry I did that to you.."

"I won't lie and say it's fine because it wasn't I needed you and dad the most but the both of you gave me up I had so many questions like why? What made you want to give me up? did you not love me?"

"I'm sure I did but maybe I had my reasons for why I did that, but where did you stay after you became 18?"

"I lived in a shelter and worked a small part time job until I could get my own apartment but it never ended up happening since my aunt Serena found out about me years later and finally took me in..and that's when I found your hairdryer and somehow it took me to the past."

"Wow that's a've been through so much I'm sorry you had to do it all alone but I'm here now and that's all that matters okay? You'll have me now and in the future and I'll never leave your side again."

I trusted her again because sometimes it's okay to give second chances especially with the person you love the most in the world.

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