chapter four.

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That day I spent as much time with my mom because I knew that I wouldn't get this time  back not for a second.

"That chick is strange"

"No duh sis look at the way she's stressed it's like she's from some Other dimension or something?" Serena asks.

"As if! what do we do about her? She keeps sticking to me like some paper glue."

I laughed, "you guys know that I'm right in front of you and can hear you right?" I told them.

"Well That was the point..Look I don't know who you are but ya better get going..your not even here for an appointment so why ya really here hmm?" Rosa asks.

"To be honest I don't even know how this happened either..but I'm your daughter from the future, Serena your my aunt and Rosa your my mother and I know this might sound strange but I think I went back in time..And I think your hairdryer caused it.."

"Oh gosh I think this girl is nuts, look I don't know what your talkin bout, but you need to leave right now okay?"

"Do you think she hit her head?" Serena looks at her sister Rosa. "Should we call an ambulance..?" Serena continued.

"I think we have a crazy psycho in our house c'mon now leave okay we don't want no trouble." Rosa said.

"Mom please..don't kick me out I don't have nowhere to go and it's the 90s so I don't know this time very well.."

"What's she even saying? Look kid I'm not ya mom okay? You need me to call someone for you ya got a number?" Rosa asked.

"I don't have one.."

"Okay well get home safe." She pushes me out the door and locks it.

I look at her through the window and sighed. "Now what do I do????"

Serena felt suspicious. "Why do you think she's doing all this?"

"I don't know maybe she's just a crazy bum?"

"But sis I think she's around our age?"

"Don't matter bums come in all ages." Rosa says trying not to laugh.

"Sis I think your being mean to her."

"Ah you feel sorry for her? Wanna go live with her?"

"Stop joking around like that!!"


I thought back to how my mom died, "what is my purpose for traveling back in time like this? There has to be something." I told myself.

Then I heard this strange voice, I couldn't see the person but I could clearly hear them. "You'll just have to find out my dear~ Christmas is very very near.."

Something to do with Christmas? But what? I didn't have time to even think about who it was hinted  me but now I knew a hint that could help me.

If I finished my purpose maybe I'd go back to my present, but first I have to know what it is.

So then I thought, I got sent here because of my mothers hairdryer so that must mean the purpose has everything to do with my mom.

"It's my mom! I have to..prevent her..from I can see her in my present?" I said out load.

Then someone suddenly appeared, "correct."

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