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The omega, Jungkook, pushed his black hair back zoning out on the papers in front of him. There were so many and he still had to fill out so many more, the student council members just couldn't do it how he wanted it done, so he was left responsible for the paperwork. 

He leaned down pressing his forehead against the cool of the desk just wanting a moment to rest. His eyes felt heavy, if he closed them for too long he was sure he would fall asleep, he couldn't have that, not till he was done.

"Still have papers left Kookie?" Yugyeom opened the sliding door walking in and holding a stack of books with one hand.  Jungkook lifted his head up, placing his elbow on the table so he could rest his chin on the palm of his hand. 

He let out a long sigh, letting it hang in the air for longer than it should, "Of course I do, if you and everyone else could get them right I wouldn't have to." The annoyance laced in his voice made Yugyeom wince, placing down the stack of books on one of the remaining desks.

The sun was setting, and a small amount of light lingered in the classroom. Soon the classroom would be blanketed in darkness. He hoped to get done with this paperwork soon so he could at least get some sleep. He knew it was Thursday and he should be out having fun but he also knew this was more important.

He heard a creak looking up, Yugyeom was dragging one of the wooden chairs up to his desk with a determined look. "I'm going to help you whether you like it or not, at this rate you will be at the school all night trying to finish this damn paperwork."

Yugyeom reached out, and Jungkook protectively put his hands on the paperwork to keep them back. "I love you Yugyeom, but absolutely not, how can I trust you won't mess this up." Yugyeom leaned back with a pout, amusement still evident in his eyes.

"I'll do exactly what you are doing, handwriting and everything, just how you like it," he smiled. Jungkook was still reluctant, he slid a few papers Yugyeom's way, and the boy quickly grabbed more from Jungkook's neatly crafted pile.

"Yugyeom!" Jungkook whined, watching the boy do quick work of his papers. "Silence Kookie, accept the help," he quieted down for now. He would surely scold Yugyeom later if he noticed any inconsistency in his papers, but for now, this would work.
He appreciated Yugyeom for the most part, he's known this boy since childhood. They even lived together for a short period of time before Yugyeom found his own pack. By now he was at least somewhat used to Jungkook's weird perfectionist habits.

They made quick work of most of the papers, "How are you and Sehun getting along." Jungkook froze up letting out an unintentional groan. He was hoping to avoid the topic of his semi-boyfriend for the day.

Yugyeom's eyebrow raised, "did you finally dump him? Congratulations Koo," Yugyeom's smile faltered when the other Omega shook his head. Sehun and he had been dating for what seemed like forever, it made sense to Jungkook.

Sehun was calm, attractive, and decent to Jungkook, and dating him made people for the most part stop asking him out. He was a beta but acted like an out-of-control Alpha most of the time, it was one of his worst flaws.

"Still the same, horny and begging," he grumbled signing away the last of the papers, placing them in order in the manilla folder. Yugyeom rolled his eyes pushing the papers into a similar folder, this one being green.

"I wish you would dump him already, he isn't going to stop till he gets what he wants and you know that." Yugyeom wasn't one to question Jungkook's decisions most of the time, Jungkook was smart, top of his class, and student council president, he managed to have everyone wrapped around his finger even if he was an omega.

Both the boys made their way out of the school still talking to each other, "I am aware, if I break up with him not only will I have an angry beta to deal with, but a bunch of horny alphas who see me as free real estate to reject as well."

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