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Jungkook was pretty silent, the TV blaring off in the distance was keeping the house from being so quiet it was eerie. Yugyeom had finally left, he had been trying to stay as close to Jungkook as he could during his heat, especially after he heard about his hallucinations and fainting.

He urged him to go to the doctor but he'd rather not, medical bills were expensive anyway. Jungkook relented and just decided to have an extra day off, so here he was on a Wednesday downing ramen by the cup.

Many of the puppies were scattered around, some wrestling, others, like Yoongi, sleeping. Namjoon seemed to be fine just sitting next to Jungkook like a normal person would, and watching the TV.

His phone dinged, and he begrudgingly slid his hand into his sweatpants pockets pulling out his phone. Yugyeom and his pack had been texting him nonstop but this time it was someone else, that jerk Sehun.

He could always just break up with the boy over text, but knowing Sehun he would count it. Jungkook thought it would just be best overall to break up with him in person, and he wanted to see Sehun upset.

Puking on Sehun was the best thing that's happened to him in a while, hopefully, Sehun could never see his face again cause he was so disgusted. That was clearly not the case because of the texts, calls, and Sehun even trying to visit with one of his stronger packmates.

He was exhausted, emotionally and physically. His heat took a pretty bad toll on him and he was already anxious for the next one. He barely ate, and probably dropped more than five pounds just from that, he was so far gone he hallucinated voices taking care of him.

He tilted his head back watching the ceiling fan. He really should answer Yugyeom's text, the poor boy is probably at school worried sick, he couldn't be bothered.

There was a yap, he turned around and Jimin was circling around the sofa. Jungkook sighed curling an arm around his own stomach, he was hungry again, he'd probably eaten more food today than he had in the past week.

He stood up walking over to the nearly empty cabinets. It was weird, food seemed to be disappearing faster than he could eat it, every day more food would go missing, and whenever Yugyeom would shop with him he'd have to buy more than usual.

"Where is all this damn food going?" Jin hopped on the counter his paw going on Jungkook's hand, he sighed eyes softening. "Are you taking the food Jinnie?" He looked softly towards the pup who let out a sly bark.

"Of course," he rolled his eyes picking up Jin. He could go a few more hours without eating, he couldn't waste any more food, and he didn't have the money to sadly.

He sat back down his phone going off again, he huffed turning slightly. He reached out for the remote switching the channel over to some random one, it was probably a romantic comedy, they made a lot of those nowadays.

He checked his phone again, and Yugyeom let him know a few fights had gone down. Of course, they did, the minute Jungkook was off the property it became a contest to see who could get into the most trouble, it always was. 

He checked the time, it was the afternoon, and soon school would be up. He wanted to convince Yugyeom to come over so he wouldn't be so alone but he knew that his pack had a date today.

For once he felt jealous, blaming it on his post-heat hormones.

A part of him, a very slim one, wished for someone. Not Sehun, but an alpha he could never have, one another part of him didn't want. It was that slim part of him that whined for an alpha, that yearned for the comfort of a pack.

He couldn't have that though, all of them were the same, and the good ones were already in closed-off pacts. He should be used to being lonely by now, it's his fault he's in this situation anyway, why does he even have the right to feel this way?

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