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Jungkook pulled his knees to his chest whimpering, trying to blink back the heavy teardrops from his puffy eyes. He was freaking out more than he should, and Yugyeom had long since gone home and fallen asleep.

He didn't want to bother him, he would feel even worse if he ended up waking up the poor omega from his rest so Jungkook was left to suffer alone.

He had decided not to sleep tonight and he was regretting it now that it was three in the morning and his eyes were heavy with exhaustion. The crying made it so much worse and he just wanted to nest and curl up in soft blankets with his puppies and sleep the day away.

He was the student council president, he didn't get to miss school. He had this aching fear that without him it would fall apart, students would misbehave and one of the particularly hard-headed students would try and bully kids while he was gone.

He heard the whining at the door, he felt bad for locking the puppies out of the bathroom so he could sulk in peace. He had to though, they would try and cheer him up and he needed to sulk, it was a thing he had control over.

He put his hands to his eyes covering them as he cried. He remembered now, reading the email that said his test was coming up in a week. The very week he had to miss due to his heat, he couldn't take it online so he would have to wait a whole year to take the test again.

He considered going to school in heat, he had pretty decent control over his omega. He had never let go in heat so he would be conscious enough to cover up being horny and do his best on the test.

The issue was that in Yugyeoms words he had ' a very overwhelmingly good scent ' and it made people even more attracted to him. Sehun tried to get Jungkook to scent him all the time, Sehun would in return try to scent Jungkook who would immediately push him away.

He sniffled, he hated crying. He blamed himself even though a small part of him knew that he was sensitive because his heat was just a week away. He didn't want to have heat but he couldn't exactly afford suppressant, he was already paying way too much for birth control that regulated his heats slightly better.

How could he have been so careless, if he had asked for the dates sooner he could have spent the extra money to buy heat suppressant, it would've been painful but this test was damn important to Jungkook. He might not be able to get into his dream college this year because of it.

He muffled his sobs harder, hearing what sounded like Namjoon barking on the other end of the door. Multiple scratches being heard, he reluctantly reached out opening the door, all six puppies pouring in to check on the omega.

Hoseok immediately hopped into his lap curling up and nuzzling against his face almost like a cat would. "I may not have Yugyeom right now but I have six sweet puppies," he chuckled each one of the dogs finding a place to curl up near Jungkook.

He was still shaken up, but having the puppies around him comforted him slightly. It was like these stupid dogs knew, a part of him wondered how smart these pups really were. He was going to test it later, for now, he was going to try and at least get an hour of sleep.

He reached his hand into his pocket pulling out his phone, setting his alarm, and getting up. Getting two hours of sleep wasn't nearly enough, but it was something. Jungkook didn't really sleep much anyways.

He walked sluggishly over to his bed, the minute his head hit the pillow he was out like a light. The boy was so fucking exhausted...


"Have you tried emailing the dean about it?" Yugyeom slurped the noodles up doing it the obnoxious way that always made Jungkook chuckle just the slightest.

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