Chapter Two | Some secrets are better untold

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Chapter 2 | Some secrets are better untold

Gabriella's pov

It's finally Friday. It's safe to say school isn't better this year.

I'm walking to my locker to grab my stuff for last period.

"Hey Gabriella." Maya says.

Please not today. I can't deal with her today. Maya Cartes, the girl I absolutely hate the most in this school.

"How's Greyson?" She asks.

"Good." I say, quickly closing my locker.

"Woah, what's the rush sweetheart?" she says.

I just look down at my feet, what am I supposed to say?

"You've gained a few pounds since last year, it doesn't look good on you. What's stressing Ms Perfect out? Let me guess.. did you confess your feelings to Grey and he rejected you?" She says, laughing.

"Very funny." I say, trying to walk past her.

"Shut the fuck up." She says, pushing me back.

"Says the girl not shutting up." Chloe says from behind me.

Thank god.

"Pathetic, you can't even talk for yourself , you need someone to do that for you." Maya says rolling her eyes, walking away.

"Why do you still let her talk down on you like that?" Chloe says.

"I'm sorry." I say, feeling stupid.

I can't talk back to someone who I see as perfect.

She's everything I wanted to be since I saw her freshmen year.

"Don't be, I'll just have to give you some lessons." Chloe says, smiling.


Last period bell rang. Freedom

Grey was waiting for me at the door after class.

A part of me is thankful that he does this but so much people are surrounding him, I can never just go up to him.

After standing there for a couple seconds he spots me and smiles.

He walks towards me while saying something I can't understand.

"Huh?" I say, confused.

"Did something happen?" He asks.

"Not that I know of.. why?" I ask, trying to play it off.

Since Maya said those words to me, they've been stuck in my head the whole day.

You've gained a few pounds since last year, it doesn't look good on you. What's stressing Ms Perfect out?

If only she knew. It's funny when you think about it, you never know what's someone covering up. Especially when you're at school. Everyone goes to school with a mask on, a fake identity, someone they wish they were, and we all believe it. It's all we know, believe what's given to you is what society has taught us. Even my own friends don't know what's going on in this mind of mine. Sometimes, I don't even know myself.

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