Side Story 2 | Friends

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Side Story 2 | Friends

Reese's Pov

It's been weeks, and all I've done is sit at the lunch table and stare at all them talk. Some days are harder than others but it's especially hard when the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen is sitting right infront of me.

We make eye contact but I just smile. No talking.

"Schedules are changing in a couple days, I'm kinda scared for my new classes." Gabriella says.

"What classes are you gonna take?" Brianna asks.

I look up to see who's she's talking too. She's looking directly at be with a cute smile.

"Oh.. I-I honestly forgot.." I say, looking away.

I'm so stupid. I sounded so rude.

I look back at her and her smile faded. Dammit.

"When I get my schedule ill show you." I say with a smile.

She looks up with a bright smile. And nods.

I laugh and get up to throw my lunch away.


I sit next to Brianna and lunch and she gave me a confused look.

I slide my schedule towards her.

Her face lights up and she turns around to pull hers out. She puts our schedules side by side and inspects them.

"We have 4 classes together!" She says jumping cheerfully!

She turns towards me and the realization hits.

I start laughing as she turns her cute dark red.

"I love the excitement." I say, grabbing my paper as everyone sits down to eat.

"Do you guys have any classes together?" Grey asks.

"Yup."' I say, giving him that look.

I end up saying quite the rest of the time at lunch replaying what just happened over and over again in my head.

I had Brianna in Math, Chemistry, Gym, and Language arts.

On the first day of the new semester, I walk into first hour and she's already in her seat, note book out and everything. She doesn't have her usual smile tho. She looks dead tired, she looks so cute.

She sees no the girl is she turns around me and waves me over with a smile.

"Hi" she says, pushing the chair next to her, signaling me to sit there.

"H-" The teacher slams the door shut, stopping me.

Not again.

I sometimes have triggers that make it really hard to talk. Slamming doors is a big one.

I start to panic. She's probably gonna think I'm a weirdo.

"Are you okay?" She says, placing her hand on my shoulder with a worried expression.

I nod.

This is so embarrassing.

She turns around and shuffles through her backpack, trying to find something.

She pulls out a fidget toy and water and smiles.

"These always help me when I'm anxious." She says, in her sweet gentle voice

"T-T-Than-ks"I say, surprised I talked. It usually takes me an hour to some what talk again after I get triggered.

"Anytime." She says.

That ends up being the only class I sit next to her in.

I would sometimes walk her to the classes we have together but one day I saw her walking with someone else, a guy.

Then I always saw her with him. She started to become more distant as the school year passed. I was confused, I thought we were making progress?

As freshmen year was coming to an end, Brianna started dating this guy named Aiden. It was all my fault. We were just friends and I never had the guts to make it anything more.

I still had hope. We're still young, they won't last. As long as I'm the one who she ends up with, I don't care who was before me. I just don't want there to be an after me.

 I just don't want there to be an after me

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