Chapter Five | The New People

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Chapter 5 | the new people in the group

Gabriella's pov

While Grey is taking me to school he seems anxious. I don't really know how to put it but he's shaking his leg and continuously tapping the steering wheel.

"Are you ok?" I ask worried.

"I have something to tell you" he says not even looking at me.

"Go ahead" I say with a smile trying to make him feel as ease. He can trust me with everything, I would never judge him.

"DONT TELL ME YOU GOT A GIRL PREGNANT?!" I say loudly with a high pitch voice, holding my hands to my mouth.

He gives me the side eye and rolls his eyes. I see the grin on his face though.

"I'm being serious" he says laughing. I can tell he's more relaxed now.

"Ok me too, what's wrong?" I ask very impatiently.

"I'm dating someone." He says quietly turning to see my reaction.

Im smiling of course. Im overly happy for him. He deserved someone who made him happy.

"How exciting! I'm so happy for you!" I say squealing.

His face relaxes and he lets out a sigh.

"Who is she tho?" I ask after I've finally calmed down.

"Maya carter" he says.

No. There's no way, I think I'm gonna be sick.

"Stop the car." I say.

"What.?" He asked, confused.

"I said stop the car!" I yell.

When he finally pulls over, I open the door and throw up.

"Holy shit, Are you okay?" Grey says, running over to me, lifting my hair out of the way. "That's definitely not the reaction I was expecting."

There's no way I can tell him what Maya has done to me. He's so happy.

"Sorry I just suddenly got super nauseous. It has nothing to do with Maya I swear, she's gorgeous I'm happy for you." I say.


Maya was sitting right next to Grey and they both looked like the world revolves around them. This was my worst nightmare.

I grabbed my food and sat at the lunch table.

I told Brianna and Chloe about everything and after arguing they finally sided with me. We all decided it would be best if we acted like we didn't know who Maya was.

That might be a little difficult because everyone knows her. But will see how this plays out. She was one of the "popular girls". She was 5'10, had the perfect body, never got acne, long dark brown hair, freckles all over her face, and pale skin. She was  a natural beauty.

"Hi, I'm Gabriella." I say with a fake smile.

Maya looks up and her eyes widen and she raises her eyebrow. She's trying to see what I'm playing at.

I guess she decided to play along.

"I'm Maya, Greys girlfriend." She emphasized girlfriend.

2 weeks later..

With football season starting, we barley get to see the boys. We all miss them but at least we had our late night FaceTime calls. Except recently Grey isn't answering because he's on call with Maya.

I understand, but it kinda sucks that he's forgetting about us.


At lunch today I saw another unfamiliar face at our lunch table.

He was sitting across from Grey, I couldn't see his face so I started to inch closer. I reach the lunch table and sit next to the mystery man.

He turns to me and wow. He was beautiful. Yes, beautiful. He said long black lashes, light fluffy brown hair, tan skin , slightly built, and he had almond shaped brown eyes . He didn't look hot or sexy, he looked more I say.. adorable?

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" Asher says, taking a seat next to me.

I didn't even realize I was staring the guy down, probably freaking him out.

Great Gabriella, great start.

I give Asher the middle finger and blush.

The guy realizes and grins, showing his beautiful smile.

"I'm Brian" he says. His voice is deep but friendly.

"Gabriella, nice to meet you" I say grinning.

"He's new here so who's gonna volunteer to show him around" Reese says.

"I can do it?" I say looking at everyone for their approval.

He turns to me and winks.

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