Chapter Twenty - Six | The Story Repeats Itself.

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Chapter 26 | the story repeats itself.

Gabriella's pov

"who the fuck told Maya!" I yell.

"It's all over the news, she probably found out and came running." Reese says.

"Someone has to tell him she was toxic and cheated. I don't give a flying fuck what the doctor said. Maya was toxic and disgusting." I say.

"You gotta tell him." Asher says.

I look at everyone and their all agree.

"Are you guys serious?! Why do I have to tell him everything?" I say.

"Because he loves you Gabby, he's gonna listen and trust whatever you say." Asher says.

"He doesn't love me. He did." I say, looking at the floor trying not to cry.

"Are you dumb. You think his feelings just magically appeared? Gabby they were always there, he just was scared." Reese says.

"You clearly don't know how love works." Asher says.

"Even if what you guys are saying is true, what if it's not the same." I say quietly.

"It will be, he's still the same Grey, just 7 months clueless." Chloe says.

"Ok but someone has to get Maya out of there. Like right now." I say.

Chloe and Brianna both smirk and walk into the room.

Unfortunately, Maya comes out in one piece.

"Don't think because he lost his memory he would go back to a toxic cheating bitch." I say.

"He just did." She said smiling.

I prayed what Maya just said was a lie.

I hesitate to open the door.

After two minutes of just standing their, I finally turn the door knob.

I walk in and take a seat at the edge of the bed.

"What was all that for." He says.

"She cheated on you." I say, looking away from him, to scared to see the same pain I saw eight months ago.

"I figured. I have my phone you know." He says.

I finally look up to see him smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I say, looking away, trying not to laugh.

"Go ahead, laugh at me. I remember you telling me you hated her anyways." He says, finally letting out a deep chuckle.

"Well, at least you remember that." I say, letting out a laugh.

"There's that beautiful smile. I missed it." He says.

I wish I could tell you I wasn't freaking out.

I could feel my face turn bright red and my heart about to fly out of my chest.

"Stop" I say, covering my red face with my hands.

"Why are you hiding from me." He says, grabbing both wrists with one hand.

"I'm not hiding." I say, turning my red face so he can't see me.

"Then show me your face." He says.

"I don't want to." I say.

"Bella. Show me your fucking face." He says, clearly irritated.

"You can't tell me what to-" before I could finish the sentence, he pulls my hands on top on my head and flips me over so he's on top of me.

"Grey, stop what are you doing, you're hur-." I say.

He leans in closer and whispers in my ear.

"You really think I could forget you forever?"

"You really think I could forget you forever?"

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