Chapter Fourteen | Tears

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Chapter 14 | Tears

Gabriella's pov

Grey isn't leaving my side. He was really being serious. I don't mind it tho, it makes me feel loved. Every time he touches me, it feels like my heart Is about to explode. He's even holding my hand in the hallways. After Grey drops me off to my class, I suddenly get shoved into the wall. Hard.

I look up, it's Maya

"Look who it is. Miss perfect" she says, in a high pitched voice. What is she even talking about?

"What?" I say, confused.

"Don't play dumb. What the fuck did you tell Grey so he could break up with me?!" She yells, attitude in her voice.

We're started to get a crowd, why is she so loud.

"Last time I checked, didn't you cheat on him?" I say, with a innocent smile on my face.

Everyone started talking.

I know Maya heard them too because right when she did, she slapped me across the face, Leaving me with a stinging sensation on my cheek. Damn, that's gonna leave a bruise. My body is still weak from my relapse. I don't have the energy for this.

"Why didn't you come to school for the past 3 weeks? Were you crying to your daddy that Grey didn't want you?" She says.

That's it.

With tears in my eyes, I grab her by her hair, pulling her head back. I push her onto the floor.

Before things could escalate any further, the teachers are all crowding us. They help her up and holding onto her.

I just stood there, crying. I never cry in front of people. I run into the hallways, trying to find the bathroom but the tears are blurring my vision.

Miss perfect?

I'm far away from perfect, I'm literally the opposite.

Where the hell is the bathroom!? I found an empty classroom. I fall onto the floor, letting everything out. The tears for my dad dying. My mom gone. Everything that I've been keeping in.

All of a sudden, I feel a warm large chest take me into their hold. It was Grey's. I try to look up but he held my head down. He now had me in his lap, crying more. "It's ok love, let it out." He says in a soft voice, rubbing my back.

"I don't think I can do this anymore." I say, I'm crying to much I don't even think he could hear me.

He lifts my head up to look into his eyes."Don't say that Gabriella, I need you." he says, wiping the tears running down my face with his thumb.

I see a tear running down the corner of him eye. "Don't cry." I say, laughing while still in tears."Don't say shit like that and I won't." He says.

I've never seen someone care so much for me in my life. His eyes are still the eyes of the 3 year old boy I knew. He hasn't changed a bit. He shines his beautiful smile. His smile never fails to make me smile.

"Bella you know I love you." He says

"Yes I know" I say.

"I'm in love with you" he says, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I couldn't even form words.

So I didn't.

I put my hands on his neck, connecting our lips.
He freezes for a second, then kisses me back. His kiss deepens, as he puts his large hands around my waist. Gripping my waist and pulling me closer. My lips opened with his tongue as he slowly moved inside my mouth. Savoring every moment, trying not to forget it. His soft lips against mine felt so warm, it felt right. My lips were meant for his. When I tried to move back to catch my breath, he refused. Letting me know he's in control, he pushed me closer to him, until there was no space between us. I was kissing Grey Miller, my childhood best friend, the guy I've been In love with since the beginning. And he was annoyingly good at it.

The bell rang for next period, breaking us out of our own world. I look at him for any signs of regret. Instead I was met with his bright smile, showing his dimples. He caressed my jawline, looking at me in the eyes.

 He caressed my jawline, looking at me in the eyes

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