Chapter Six | The Breakup

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Chapter 6 | The Breakup

Gabriella's pov

"You have next class with me" I say with a smile looking at his schedule. "I'll show you your last couple of classes, you don't have them with me but I know the classes."

He nods and we walk into the class.

All eyes are on us for some reason. Brian is new and I heard everyone was talking about him and how hot he was. I saw some girls rolling their eyes and whispering to their friends. While others just went red.

"The seat next to me is empty" I say pointing at the seat.

"Thanks" he says flashing his beautiful smile.

As class went on I kept feeling everyones eyes on  me while I was talking to Brian. Every time I turn around the girls go quiet. I'm not even doing anything wrong.

The bell finally rings and I get up, putting my textbook in my backpack.

"So you couldn't get Grey so you go for the new kid?" I heard a girl say.


"Are you mad that they both don't know who you are?" I say with a sarcastic pout.

She turns red and walks away stomping like a 5 year old. Maybe Chloe's lessons were paying off.

While walking with Brian to his next class, we see Grey and Maya. We weren't close enough to hear what they were saying but it looked like they were having an argument.

"Hi guys" I say with a smile walking towards them.

"What's up" Brian says, talking to Grey.

"Hi Bella" Grey says with a somewhat fake smile.

"Hi." Maya says not even looking at me.

Someone's mad.

We continue are way to Brian's class, I honestly didn't want to be near the negative energy Maya was giving off.


The bell finally rings and I'm finally free. Today seemed to drag, Grey barley said a word to me. Just cause you got a girlfriend doesn't mean you stop talking to your best friend.

"I can take you home" I heard a voice say, I turn around and it's Grey.

"What about Maya?" I say.

He ignores my question and starts walking to the school parking lot. Something is definitely going on with them. The boys have football practice so why isn't he there?

"Wait why aren't you going to practice?" I say annoyed but I was curious.

"I'm not in the mood Bella" he says clenching his jaw.

Why is he so mad? And why is he bringing it out on me? "I don't have time for your silent treatment Grey, if you don't want to tell what obviously going on, Chloe won't mind taking me home." I say

"Bella please just get in the car" Grey says moving his hand through is hair.

"Tell me what's wrong" I say one last time.

"Bella stop fucking pushing it please, I'll tell you when you come over." He says clearly not in the mood.

"Who says I'm coming over" I say with a smile, obviously joking.

He looks up and sees me smiling. He grins and opens the car door for me.

When I walk into his house he grabs me by my arm and leads me to his room right away, catching me off guard.

"What is wrong with you?" I say after he finally let go of my hand.

Before even looking at me he says "Maya said I have to stop talking to you." He says clenching his jaw.

"What?" I say, tears forming in my eyes due to the shock.

He looks up at me with a apologetic look.

"Bella please don't make this any harder." He says clenching his hand making his knuckles white.

"And your gonna listen to her?" I say, my voice cracking.

"I have to." he says in a soft voice.

"Don't, you don't have to do anything." I say, the tears aren't there anymore. Now I'm just hurt and mad.

"You said no girl would get between us." letting out a laugh.

"Bel-" he tries to say, but I cut him off.

"No Grey don't worry about it, I won't cry and beg you to choose me over her." I say pushing past him and out the door.

As I'm walking, tears fill my eyes and my eyesight gets blurry.

I can't believe he actually listened to her. What's her problem anyways? What did I even do? Is she intimidated by me? Does she think I want to be with him?


"That bitch! I swear to god when I see her!" Chloe says

"Who does she even think is? I always hated her from the start" Brianna says

"Guys honestly, I'm over it already." I say

Im definitely not over it. I spent the whole night crying, looking through photos of Grey and I as kids till now. The smile on our faces as we blew out our birthday candles, when we went to the park, even just having each other's company brought smiles to our faces. And I had a million photos to prove that.

After I told Chloe and Brianna what happened, they wanted to beat the crap out of Maya and Grey. And honestly, so did I. I part ways from Chloe and Brianna when I hear the warning bell.

As I'm walking in the hallways I see Brian. "Hi Brian" I say softly with a smile

"What's up Martinez" he says. I raise an eyebrow "Martinez" I say with a smile.

He shrugs "I had to think of something different" blinding me with his pearly whites.

He kindly walks me to class and we bump into Grey and Maya.

I freeze.

Their laughing, she's touching him and everything. He's acting like not just yesterday he shattered my heart. It felt like a breakup.

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