Chapter Fifteen | The Football Game

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Chapter 15 | the football game

Gabriella's pov

Football game night..

"No way he gave you his jersey!" Chloe yells, freaking out.

"You guys are so cute!" Bri adds, freaking out as well.

"Guys calm down, it's not that serious." I say, blushing.

"What do you mean "not that serious" everyone knows you give your girlfriend your jersey to wear at the first football game." Chloe says.

"What are gonna wear?" Brianna asks.

"I don't know.." I say.

Chloe and Brianna run to my closet. After what felt like an hour, they finally picked out my outfit.
I looked at myself in the mirror, and I honestly looked good.

I'm wearing Greys white and red jersey with a huge #1 and Miller on the back. Tucked into white ripped jeans, white vans, and for the final touch, I had the teams color face painted on my cheeks, with my hair in a high ponytail leaving some front pieces out.

Chloe and Brianna finish dressing up as well.
Chloe walks out with Asher's jersey on. Me and Brianna look at each other, then back at Chloe with grins.

"What, at least I'm dating him." She says, casually.

Me and Brianna scream from the top of our lungs, this is crazy.

"I'm so happy for you!" I squeal.

"For how long?!" Bri asks Chloe.

"It's been a month." Chloe says.

"Why did you tell us?" I ask, did she think we would judge her?

"We wanted to make sure we really wanted it, we didn't want the friend group to be awkward after." Chloe says.

"Yea we get it" me and bri say.

"How FUNN!!" We all scream.

Tonight was gonna be a night we never forget.


The bleachers are packed. We finally find a seat close enough to see the boys play.

"Why am I nervous for them." Bri says.

"Same, Asher has been talking about this game for weeks, it's really important they win, especially because it's the first game with them seniors." Chloe says.

As we're are waiting for the game to begin, we see Brian walking over.

"Hii" I say, getting up to hug him.

He declines my hug and I give him a frown.

"Don't think your boyfriend would like that." He says with a wink.

I wish.

I roll my eyes, "shut up and just give me a hug" I say

He laughs and hugs me.

"Let's go Monarch's! Let's go!"

Everyone is chanting while banging on the bleachers. It's so loud you can't even hear the person next to you talking.

Chloe says something to me but i just Hearn mumbles.

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