Chapter Twenty - Five | If you love me let me go.

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Chapter 25 | "if you love me let me go."

Gabriella's pov

"There is no way I'm telling Maya that Grey lost his memory." I tell Chloe and Brianna.

"The doctor said you just have to let it play through." Chloe says.

"If you guys are truly meant to be, he will come back to you." Brianna says.

"What is he doesn't?" I say, I'm terrified.

"He will." They both say.

"Imagine the Look on that bitches face when we tell her." Brianna says.

"That's what I'm dreading the most. Everyone knows they broke up and she's psycho. How are they gonna keep it a secret." I say.

"Someone's bound to tell him that me and him were dating, there's no way it's gonna work." I say.

"He's not getting out of the hospital till next week. Will just tell the whole school to shut up." Chloe says.

"What are we in a movie? No one in our school knows how to keep their mouth shut." I say.

"Well we have to figure something out, and fast." Chloe says.

"No shit." I say.


"I'm sorry doctor, but you're making no sense. There's no way he's not gonna find out unless you keep him in the hospital till he remembers everything, which isn't garentead ." I say.

"I understand where you are coming from, but he needs to go out and go through his normal routine, it will help him gain his memory back." He says.

"So what happens if he finds out about us?" I ask.

"Either he denies it all, or he starts to remember. But like I said, it's better for you if you just let things play out." He says.

"Maya's coming." I say, walking into the hospital room.

I can't stay in their for longer than an hour or I'll cry.

I missed him.

We grew so much together in the last 7 months, it all happened so fast, I wasn't ready to lose him.

"You ok?" Grey asks, moving to the side of the bed, making space for me to sit.

I nod. Sitting on the chair closest to the bed, im not able to, Not now.

He frowns when he realizes I never sat next to him.

"Bella." He says in his deep irritated voice.

"Just drop it Grey." I say, not being able to look up to see his face.

"No." He says, trying to get up but stopping cause of the pain.

"I can't do this." I say, getting up and running out the room.

I know. I could just tell him that we were dating and he lost his memory of the last 7 months. But 7 months ago, he never had feelings for me, if I just tell him right now he's gonna feel obligated to date me again. Making his love for me not real.

I'm gonna convince the doctor to tell him about his memory loss. But definitely not about us dating.

No one's gonna tell him, he'll never find out.

I made Asher grab me his phone and deleted our photos that seemed "unfriendly" and our texts.

I couldn't do it because I know if I did, I would've ran into the hospital room and begged him to remember me.

But I can't to that.


We are all gathered in the room ready to tell him that he lost his memory. We're all scared and we don't even know who's gonna tell him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" Grey says.

"We have something to tell you." finally gaining the courage to speak.

"I'm all ears." He says.

"You we're playing your last game of the season when someone hit you really hard and you hurt your head really badly causing you to lose your memory of the last 7 months." I say all in one breath.

"what." He says.

"Did you-" I try to say but he cuts me off.

"Everyone get out." He says.

everyone stands still in shock.

"NOW!" He yells, scaring everyone.

"Bella. Stay." He says.

"No I would rather no-" I say.

"I said stay." He says, his angry voice is scary.

He taps his hand on the bed, signaling me to sit.

"What happened the last 7 months. You are the only one I can trust to tell me the truth." He says staring into my eyes. Making me look down at my shoes.

He grabs my chin, lifting my head up to meet his.

"Look at me." He says.

"I can't." I say, keeping my eyes everywhere but his face.

"what the fuck did I forget. What's causing you this much pain Mi amor?" He says in a gentle tone.

"We- I-" I stop myself, tears running down my face.

"I'm trying my best Grey, I'm not strong enough." I say sobbing into my hands.

He grabs me, pulling me into his embrace.

"You're the strongest person I know." He says, making circles on my back with his fingers.

"You really don't remember?" I say, hoping that this is all a prank.

"I'm sorry Mi amor, I don't remember anything." He says softly.

The door opening aggressively, making me jump out of his embrace.

"Oh my god, I was so worried." She says, running up the Grey and hugging him.

She's hugging him.

But he's staring at me.

But he's staring at me

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