Chapter Eighteen | Jealous?

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Chapter 18 | Jealous?

Gabriella's pov

With swimming season finally starting, and Grey always in football practice. We're barely seeing each other, I miss him a lot but life is just busy.

"Your sleeping over so grab your clothes and come over right after." He says, running his hand through is hair.

He's usually never upset or annoyed at me, it doesn't seem like he is but I know somethings stressing him out.

"What if I don't want to." I say, raising and eyebrow. Obviously joking.

"Bella." he says strictly, like when my mom says my name when she's about to blow.

"Kidding" I say, raising my hands in the air.

When I try to leave the car, he grabs my arm.

"Where's my kiss?" He says.

"You seem mad, I don't want to annoy you" I say, looking at the car floor embarrassed as why I didn't kiss him.

He stays quiet, so I finally look up at him.

" Look at me when your talking to me, don't make me think your scared of me." He says, caressing me cheek.

"Sorry." I say.

"You don't have to apologize. What's wrong?" He says.

"Nothing I'll tell you when I come over." I say, quickly kissing him on the lips and exiting the car.

I miss him so much, it hurts. I only get to see him at night when he makes me sleep over. It's not like I would decline. Once I said I had a lot of homework, so he came over and slept over, it's cute tho.


I didn't have homework so right when I went over I let myself get comfortable on his big bed. I never understood how someone could have such a huge bed.

Grey follows me onto the bed, cuddling me. He's on top of me, digging his face into my neck. He lets out a huge sigh.

"What's wrong." I say, playing with his fluffy black hair.

"I miss you." He says, holding onto me tighter.

"I miss you more." I say.

"No bella you don't, I'm so mad when I don't see you even if it's just a day." He says.

"Is that why you were mad today?" I say. I had swimming practice and then my mom wanted me to have dinner with her "new boyfriend" at his house which by the way, I don't like him, at all. We ended up staying there very late.

"Yea, and are you ok with her new boyfriend?" Grey says.

"Honestly no, but as long as they both leave me alone, I don't care." I say truthfully.

"This place is always your second home, you're always welcome " He says, lifting his head from my neck, looking up at me.

How did he just make me fall in love with him even more.

I smile and kiss him.

"How's football?" I say. "I heard college leagues are watching the football games and practices."

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