Chapter 5

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It was hard at the beginning to not use my powers around the house. It was a habit to put my cereal bowl in the sink from across the kitchen or lift my heavy backpack without using any arm strength, but I somehow managed.

Derek was nice and it was easy to get along with him, although he always pushed for family bonding nights that always ended in cringe or me winning a board game that neither of them could understand. Those nights could be fun, it made us feel more like a family although to think about it was weird. In only seven months, Derek would join our family officially.

The only downside of this was that by not using my powers, it bubbled just underneath the surface, the tingling feeling of the magic feeling weird. Now that it was December, it was too cold to go to the beach, so I had to continue to contain and resist using my powers.


"Hey, Marabella!" I heard Aiden shout from somewhere behind me. I turn around to look for him in the crowd of people in the cafeteria. When I spot him I wave.

Aiden sits in the empty spot to my left.

"So how has your day been," he starts as he pulls out a bagged lunch from his backpack.

"Same as usual, I beat Jake again in Mr. O'Conner's Monday Spelling Bee. He's probably still pissed."

"He always is," Aiden responds as he takes a bite from his sandwich. I take a bite of one of the cold french fries on my tray. I forgot to bring my lunch once again so I was stuck with the school lunch.

As Aiden and I are chatting I feel something wet hit the back of my neck. I reach for it to see what it is. It's a crumpled piece of paper with ketchup all over it. I was irritated but I tried to calm myself down. I open the crumpled piece of paper to see if there is anything written on it that could give me a clue as to who threw this.

'You don't always have to be an annoying show off' read the paper, now telling me exactly who threw the paper.

I whip my head around and see that a couple of tables back is Jake laughing hysterically with all of his moron friends.

I get up, ready to march over to their table.

"Marabella, it's just a note, you really should calm down, and..." Aiden tried to reason with me, but I wasn't having it.

"There's no 'and' Aiden, I'm done with this kid. I'm going to show him that he messed with the wrong person."

With that, I stomped off to Jake's table, where he and his friends were still laughing.

"What is your deal!" I all but shout in Jake's face, "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Well why can't you stop trying to be a teacher's pet and a show-off" he responds cooly, making my blood boil.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a dumb moron you could actually beat me for once in a stupid spelling bee!" I shout, throwing my arms in exasperation.

That is when everything went wrong. All the magic contained in me, bubbling just below the surface, exploded out of me, causing a mess of food, trays, and chairs flying across the cafeteria. Tables skitted across the floor, people were shoved against the walls, and I was standing in the very middle of the whole mess.

Under the Moon - Book 1 in the Bewitching Moon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now