Chapter 10

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                                                                Aiden's POV...


Chapter 10:

Sweat dripped from my face as I focused on swinging the sword, trying to attack Liam. Liam, being my training coach, wanted me to work more on my swordsmanship out of water. It was extremely difficult not being able to rely on the water to hold up my sword for a few seconds so that I could get my grip back and make another blow. The sword kept falling to the ground the instant I let go.

CLANG! Went the sword once more on the rocky bottom of the cave Liam was having me train in. Before I could even grab my sword, Liam had me to the wall, stopping before the killing blow. He had won the scrimmage once again.

"You can't rely on the water when you're on land Aiden, you have to get that in your head."

"I know!" I said, irritated, no matter how much I tried it wouldn't work. But I had to keep trying. If I wasn't placed on the royal guard I would let my family down, but even worse, I would let my father down. For the past three generations, the oldest son in my family had been in the royal guard, tasked with protecting the queen. It was a great achievement and my family's reputation was high due to the seeming inheritance of the placement in the royal guard.

I excelled in every other aspect of my training, but sword fighting on land was my one weakness. It was also one of the very important things a member of the royal guard must learn. We had to protect our queen no matter the surroundings, which being on land could very well be a possibility.

I grabbed my water bottle and took a long drink. Liam and I had been training since the rising of the moon. Now the sun was coming up, we had to get back before any humans saw us. We could be in big trouble being caught on their land, punishments being any of the variety of brutal deaths in the hands of their government.

I slid my sword back into its scabbard and swung it onto my back. Deciding I'd get a head start instead of waiting for Liam, I dove into the water, the coolness of it cooling off my overheated body. My sore limbs instantly felt relaxed.

When I reached home I tucked my sword into my closest and collapsed onto my bed, ready to sleep the entire day.


"Aiden. Aiden!" I heard my younger sister shout into my ear, waking me up in an instant.

"What is it, Chelsey?" I ask. The voice is groggy and my ears are ringing a bit.

"Mama said to come and get you, someone very important wants to talk to you!"

I got up, a bit confused. No one really stopped by looking for me except for Liam, but I can hardly call him a very important person. I quickly combed my hair with my hands and smoothed down my shirt. If this person was actually really important, I wanted to look at least a little presentable.

I walked over to the living room and found mom talking to someone. This, someone, had an official uniform, I recognized it as an official royal messenger uniform.

"Hey," I said a little timidly, the messenger had a straight face that looked like it never showed emotion once in his life.

"Are you Aiden Williams?" the royal messenger said with a voice as cold as his facial expression seemed to be.


"Queen Anastasia wishes to see you immediately."

I gasped at what he said. The Queen wants to see Me, that couldn't be right, and if it was, what about?

"Close your mouth Aiden and follow him at once, you mustn't keep Queen Anastasia waiting," my mom said.

I hadn't even realized that I was gaping, and quickly closed my mouth before nodding to my mom.

I followed the royal messenger out the door and to the royal palace, where the Queen awaits me.

Under the Moon - Book 1 in the Bewitching Moon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now