Chapter 17

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Marabella was just standing in the middle of the cafeteria, her face as pale as snow, eyes wide and tears starting to flow down her face.

My eyes were just as wide.

"S-SHE'S A WITCH!" Jake yelled out to everyone, causing everyone to unfreeze and actually process what the heck just happened.

"SHUT UP!" Marabella yelled back, she picked Jake up a few inches in the air, which displayed that her powers were either very strong or that she had bottled up her powers for a while, which you should never do, and they are still going haywire with a spark of extra strength. Jake was squirming around like a child, trying to get out of Marabella's grasp. It was actually kind of satisfying, not seeing him all big and mighty.

Marabella dropped him without saying anything. Then ran out of the room.

Everyone was talking about "how they knew she was off the whole time" and how this was such a big deal, how obviously the school security wasn't good if they let a witch in. Some people were crying in corners while others dialed their parents. Everything was just chaos. Both the principal and the vice principal came in demanding an explanation.

While everyone was shouting trying to say what they thought happened, I snuck out of the cafeteria and ran home.


I ran up the stairs grabbing a sweater, some small but essential tools, stuffing them into my pockets, the enchanted piece of seaweed because there is no doubt that I would need it, and a baseball cap to hide my face. I bolted back down the stairs, almost running right into Uncle Freddy.

"Woah there, boy! What's the rush?"

"Sorry! But I think I'm about to complete my mission and a little thing just happened that could possibly cost me the mission, so I have to hurry."

"Well then go Aiden! I won't keep you, good luck," he said as I ran off. I paused in front of the doorway.

"Hey, um, this might be the last time I see you so, goodbye." I smiled awkwardly.

"Bye Aiden. I hope to see you soon."

I ran out the door and into the streets. Trying to hide in the shadows while looking for Marabella as well. Hopefully, she hasn't been caught already, but I can tell she's pretty smart and that she'll put up a fight for her life.

I continued to search the streets, checking from street to street as quickly as I could while also trying not to look suspicious.

Night came quickly and there was still no sight of Marabella. Police sirens echoed in the night.

I hid in an ally as a police officer walked by.

"There is still no sight of her boss," the police officer said as he walked by rather quickly.

This was good news, they still haven't found her, and I had a chance to find her first.

I was too pumped on adrenaline to camp out in an ally, plus I would lose a lot of time if I did, so I continue to look for Marabella.


The sun rose on the city and I was still looking for Marabella, it seemed almost hopeless.

I walked the streets, my sleepless night started to catch up to me.

Suddenly, more than a dozen police cars sped right by me. This couldn't be good. I chased after the police cars despite how tired I was starting to get.

When I finally caught up, the police cars were arranged in a messy circle, and almost three stories in the air, was Marabella, parkouring from many different objects that she seemed to make float in the air. My jaw dropped. Note to self, Marabella was telekinesis powers. That is actually very rare and only really the more powerful witches are born with them.

I ran past the police cars, trying to catch up to Marabella who was now pushing for five stories in the air.

Under the Moon - Book 1 in the Bewitching Moon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now