Reviveboo??? O,o (Spoilers) (Bench trio and Dream)

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"RANBOOOOO-" Tubbo shouted at his ghost friend. "What?-" The ghost Ender turned around to face his friend. "YOU'RE LITERALLY STEPPING ON MICHAEL'S TOY-" Tubbo shoved Ranboo off the toy chicken that belonged to their son. "You didn't need to push me- whatever-" He shrugged. Tommy who'd been watching from a small distance snorted. "I'm just confused how he was even able to shove you, you're a ghost."  Ranboo once again shrugged. "So many questions-" The ghost sat down, munching on a piece of bread. "At least you guys don't act all 'I MiSs rAnBoO, oOoOo tHiS iS sO sAd.'"He said as he took a bite of the bread. Tubbo snorted. "Maybe I should, just to annoy you." He joked. "Gosh- please no-" Ranboo got up and went behind Tommy. "Keep that mushy stuff away from me-" Tommy looked at him, amusement in his blue eyes. "You were all 'mushy' and all that when you were alive. The most cuddly person on the server and crap-" Ranboo scoffed. "Don't remind me- I was trying to melt away the stress or whatever." Tubbo sighed. "I kinda liked the way you were when you were alive-.." He muttered. Ranboo twitched an ear. "Right-" Tubbo suppressed another sigh. "I'ma get going, bye" Tommy hugged his friend. "Bye. Tubs!" Ranboo folded his wings he had received when he became a ghost. They kinda looked like the Ender dragons wings except smaller and one of them was white and purple while the other was black and purple. "Bye, Tubbooo!" The two watched their friend leave

Tommy and Ranboo were mining for some materials in a cave quite far from the crater of L'Manberg. Tommy was mining some coal, while Ranboo was just watching, intentionally being useless. "You damn idiot-" He muttered to his friend who was teasing him about being alive. "I actually enjoy living, boob boy." Ranboo snorted, "What is with you in calling me that?-" Tommy turned to his ghostly friend. "Would you prefer 'Boo?'" He joked. Ranboo half-halfheartedly looked thoughtful for a moment. "Maybe-" The boy chuckled. "Oh hell no!- I'd never call you 'Boo'" The two laughed for a moment before it melted down to comfortable silence. "Hello~" Tommy froze, his blood running cold when he heard the familiar voice sound behind him. Ranboo must've also heard showing he wasn't hallucinating this time because he saw Ranboo had also spun around. Dream was standing behind the two, his smiley face mask facing them. "Hello~" He repeated. "Y-You-" Tommy pulled out his shield and sword, standing defensively around himself and Ranboo, something he was used to due to how he and Tubbo would protect each other like that. Even though now it was kinda useless since Ranboo was dead and Tubbo was even better at protecting himself now- "S-S-Stay back, Dream!-" Tommy stuttered. Dream tilt his head to the side, pulling down his mask. "Why? I just wanted to negotiate." He replied simply and continued. "I've a proposal that I feel you two would like to hear." Tommy gritted his teeth. "I've nothing to discuss with you, nor do you have anything i'd want." He turned to his ghostly friend to see he looked pretty calm. Ranboo became kinda care free after he died so he didn't take much notice of what the risk of being cornered by Dream were. "Even about reviving your friend?" Tommy perked up, turning back to Dream. That caught his attention. The boy narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "And why would you wanna do that? What would you gain?" He demanded. Dream chuckled, which made Tommy shudder. He stepped closer to the boy and his Ender ghost friend, causing Tommy to start to tremble a bit. "I'd like to make a deal with Ranboo. If I were to revive him for you guys, he'd owe me a favor~" His eyes flashed as he looked at Ranboo, a cold grin on his face. Ranboo stuck his purple tongue out at him, not seeming too nervous. "I'd rather not make a deal with a homeless green teletubbie-" Tommy snorted at his friends comment. Dream frowned. "Surely you'd like to make your friends happy again?" Ranboos ears flatten a bit as he began to look thoughtful. "Well-.." Tommy felt a small spark of hope, even if he didn't fully trust Dreams words. "I-I guess- though I do like being a ghost, the others moping around about me is kinda too depressing for me-" The ghost Ender replied. Dream smiled. "Good. Come here and let me tell you my part of the deal." Tommy grabbed his friends wrist when he tried to go to Dream, fear in his blue eyes. "As much as I want you back, I don't trust you being near Dream. He's bad news." Ranboo snorted. "Whats he gonna do, kill me? I'm already dead-" The boy sighed and let go of his friend. The ghost went to the escaped prisoner who offered them the deal. "Alright, tell me." Dream grinned and whispered something in Ranboos ear. Ranboos ears flatten a bit, yet he still looked calm. He sighed. "Fine-" Tommy frowned. What deal did his friend just make?  "Let's go outside. It'll be easier to do this in a more.. open space." The two nodded and followed the escaped prisoner outside, though Tommy walked slowly, dreading having to follow such a cruel person who had hurt him. He shivered when he remembered his own revival. He'd gotten stuck in prison with Dream for a week even though that was supposed to be his last visit. Dream had then mentioned the revive book, the reason they kept him alive. Tommy wouldn't believe it existed so.. Dream killed him right there, taking his final cannon life. Tommy was there for what was in this world, two days, but in the afterlife, a month. Dream had then revived him. Tommy was trembling now as he remembered how dark the afterlife was. Now his own friend was there, probably experiencing the same trauma. He needed  Dream to revive Ranboo. When they were all outside, Dream took Ranboos wrist. The ghost looked pretty calm, bored even. Was this really Ranboo's ghost?- Tommy watched from a distance as Dream then closed his eyes, whispering words that kinda sounded like a mixture of Enchantment table and Enderman. His voice then sounded like there was an echo to it. Green and gold light started to swirl around Ranboo as Dream opened his eyes, which were now fully green, and glowing. Tommys mouth dropped open. This is what revival looked like? Ranboos eyes were now wide, fear and confusion in his eyes.  Tommy turned, too pitiful to see his friend so scared. The light that now completely surrounded his friend became too bright to look at causing Tommy to shut his eyes. After a few moments, Tommy slowly opened his eyes to see Ranboo had taken the place of the ghost version of himself. The Enderman hybrid looked frozen as he stood there, his eyes closed, probably due to the bright light. Tommy slowly approached his friend. "R-Ranboo?.." Ranboo slowly cracked his eyes open, glancing around, confusion in his eyes. "Ranboo!" He hugged onto him. The Enderman hybrid flinched away, his eyes wild with fear. "W-What? What happened?!- I-I thought I was-.. I-.. I was-.." His voice trailed off as his gaze dropped. Tommy frowned, realizing how shaken Ranboo must be. He out of all people knew how traumatizing it was to die and be revived. Beside Wilbur- yet Wilbur never showed much fear. Tommy almost winced when he saw the same fear and trauma in his friends eyes. "It's okay, it's okay.. You're fine, Ranboo.." Ranboo looked at him, fear still clouding his eyes. "W-What do you mean by 'it's okay?!' I was in such a horrible place! I-I was in an obsidian room w-with signs and-.. When I tried to run.. I looped back to that room.. A-And there was some 'Jschlatt' guy there-.." Tommy felt a pang of pity. He'd been in darkness with Wilbur where they actually didn't have too bad of some conversations, though it was still very terrifying..Wilbur was a pretty scary person there, then there was the constant reminder you were dead. "H-How am I even..back? I-I thought I was dead.." Tommy glanced at Dream, who was watching them with his cold grin. "D-Dream revived you, You apparently made a deal with him to make us happy again. We all missed you." When Ranboo didn't reply and only looked scared still, he continued. "You as a ghost wasn't too bad, but we love the real thing-" Ranboo cut him off. "That ghost wasn't fully me! H-half of my mind was in the a-afterlife and.. the other was in that ghost, yet- I couldn't control anything I did or said." Tommy felt a bit surprised, but it didn't last long. The way that ghost acted wasn't like the Ranboo they knew-  "Right-" Ranboo's eyes suddenly went wide with realization. "Wait- Did you say Dream revived me?" Tommy nodded hesitantly. "You guys made a deal-" His friends eyes filled with more panic. "H-He only agreed to bring me back to use me!-" Tommy raised an eyebrow. "'Use you?' how?" He saw Dream was gazing at Ranboo, his eyes glowing. Ranboo was gazing back, trembling. His eyes went dull for a second, though he shook his head, his eyes normal. "W-We need to get away from him.." Tommy couldn't argue with that. He didn't even wanna be around Dream to begin with, he was surprised that he didn't try and kill him.. Tommy took his friends hand and they ran off, leaving Dream to watch them run from him, a calm, yet cold look on his face. 

Moon/Author: GTtiueriuroihlxmustihyrenunurnriuerqibierbhrtbhtr This one took the life outa me- anyways have a fanfic where Ranboos revived after a few weeks of being dead- This is also spoilers for the most recent events on the Dream smp. Anywas have a great day/noon/night! :D (btw I'll update my "Rust-Fire" and "Living together" series soon. I'm currently working on the next chapter for the both of them, including new stories because yes-) I might add more to the ending- btw if you enjoy this, then leave a comment and maybe vote it- You don't have to- lol

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