Get Through This Together.. (Allium Duo fluff)

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TW: Panic attacks, manipulaion, death, blood, trauma, mention of voices.

Tommy could hardly breath. The obsidian walls were cold around the boy. He covered his now injured eye with a hand, feeling the warm blood on himself. Dream was standing over him, the orange light of the lava wall making them both practically glow. "Dream, stop!" He pleaded desperately, though the prisoners cold grin only grew. He realized he shouldn't have yelled... "W-wait no, Dream! I didn't mean!-" It was too late. Dream grabbed Tommy by the bandanna, lifting him back up and raising a bloody fist. Tommy shielded his face with his arms in instinct, breathing quickly now. Not again, not again!.. This was his fault. He just had to yell at Dream.. "Please Dream! I'll shut up!" He pleaded again. Dream gave him a hard look. "This is what you get for throwing me in prison." He said coldly. With that, the prisoners fist collided with the boys face..

He woke up, gasping for air. Tommy put a hand over his eye, feeling the bandages. Just a nightmare... It had already happened and left him scarred. Death was horrible.. "Tommy?"  Tommys head jerked up as he looked up from his bed sheets, seeing his friend, Ranboo at the door frame. "Oh uhm- hey Ranboo-" His voice cracked when he spoke, making him cringe a bit-  "Tommy, are you okay?" His friend asked, worriedly, walking over to the boy and sitting beside him. Great-   It only been two days of staying with Tubbo and Ranboo in their mansion, and he was already caught during a nightmare-  "Yeah- another nightmare. I'm good now." He replied, puffing out his chest as he continued. "I don't need you checking up on me, So goodbye." Ranboo only chuckled, halfheartedly, rolling his eyes in a playful way. They sat in silence for a moment before Tommy glanced at his hybrid friend, blinking awkwardly. "So uh- what you need?-" He replied as smoothly as he could. Ranboo turned back to him, his red and green eyes glowing in the dark. "You're not getting out of this. You're going with me-" Tommy groaned. "Awwwwwwww!-"

   The two sat down in a flower field, the pale moonlight shining down on them. Ranboo brought Tommy here regularly to help clear his mind. The Enderman hybrid seemed to always know what to do to help. They both sat beside each other, Tommy feeling the cool night breeze flow through his hair. "Mind telling me what your 'nightmare' was about this time?" His friends question stunned him for a moment, for some reason not expecting it after their moments of silence. "Well uh-" Tommy didn't know how to start. "It's alright. I'm right here. There's no one else here, but us. I didn't wake up all late at night for nothing-" Ranboo said, chuckling. Tommy frowned a bit. "I-it was about-.. death-.." He replied. Ranboos smile faded a bit, knowing himself how horrible the feeling of being dead was-..  "Ah-" His friend said in acknowledgment, waiting for the boy to continue. "Well- to be more specific, Dream killing me.. I've had that same nightmare so much, it's as though hes somehow haunting my mind now. Dealing with him in person was bad enough, but now that he's out, it scares me even more!" Tommy felt Ranboo hug him, giving the boy an understanding smile. He remembered with a pang of sadness that Ranboo himself had died. The day Dream escaped, Sam, the warden had killed the Enderman hybrid, using him to 'get Dream back in prison.' Ranboo had unexpectedly been on his last life and was in the afterlife for a while. It was a shock when Dream revived him- though no one exactly knew why- Sure they were happy about it, but Dream was a cruel person who made it clear multiple times that he didn't care if anyone he knew died. So why Ranboo? Tommy was snapped out of his thoughts by Ranboos tail wrapping around him, comfortingly. "May you continue?" His friend asked. Tommy hesitantly nodded in agreement, feeling safe and comfortable talking with someone who knew how traumatizing death had been. "These memories keep replaying in my mind as though hes-" "In your head?"  Ranboo finished his sentence. Tommy blinked in surprise. The Enderman hybrid continued though, gazing at the midnight sky. "It's like hes in your head, replaying those horrible events just to torment you. It's hard to escape and is a horrible feeling. Yeah- I- know what you mean-.." The boy gazed at him for a moment, completely confused. "What- do you mean?" He asked. Ranboo sighed. "There's something I haven't told anyone.. That's been going on since before I died. I thought I could hide it, and that- It was finally over, though when Dream revived me.. I-.. I knew that meant I didn't escape. And doubt I ever will.." Tommy raised an eyebrow, "What is it?" The Enderman hybrids ears flatten. "I-I'll say as much as I can.. I-I'm- dealing with Dream as well. He's well- in my head. Literally.." The boys eyes widen at this. Since when? Tommy hesitantly hugged onto Ranboo. The Enderman hybrid blinked in surprise, then melted into the hug. "Thanks-" He replied, smiling again. "You should've told me, you idiot-" The boy muttered. Ranboo chuckled halfheartedly. "Well- I'm surprised I was able to even say that much- last time he- kinda physically stopped me-.." Tommy didn't question, not wanting the darken the mood any more than it already was. "It's hard dealing with Dream. He gets in your head and makes you feel real awful." Tommy spoke bitterly. Ranboo smiled at him. "Though-" He started, looking the boy in the eyes, despite not exactly liking eye contact. "We'll snap the strings together. I promise you that. You and I, We'll get through this together." He declared, smiling at him. Tommy blinked before smiling as well, hugging the Enderman hybrid again. "Yeah. I know we will because we're strong." He added proudly. Ranboo chuckled. "I know Tommy. I know."


Moon/Author: T%YH3ti0k4iub23rhmi4uh it's been a good while since I made another one-shot- I've got three other drafts, but still making ideas for them. I'm also working on a Warrior cats oc one-shot so stay tuned for that. By the way, this is a Reviveboo AU. And this is all platonic. No shipping. Anyways, have a great day/noon/night!

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