Flower Crown (Allium duo fluff to angst to fluff?-)

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Tommy and Ranboo were laughing together, enjoying the peace at the sacred bench next to Tommy's house. After their chatter melted to comfortable slilence, Tommy smiled softly at the view of the soon falling sun and the flowers off in the distance, blowing in the breeze. Ranboo smiled at him. "You really enjoy the view and nature, don't you?" He asked the boy. Tommy nodded. "It's nice." The Enderman hybrid thought for a moment, before turning to his friend again. "I'll let you in on a little secret. Enderman always know the best spots for relaxing." Tommy snorted. "Cool, Ranboy-" Ranboo chuckled. "Follow me." 

The two walked, Ranboo taking lead, despite not exactly liking to be the one leading usually. Ranboo paused at a field. The field was surrounded by trees, though clear in the middle. There were multiple flowers spread around the clearing and a small river sparkling in the distance. "This place looks so nice." Tommy breathed. Ranboo grinned happily. "Told ya." He walked into the field and sat down in the middle of the clearing. Tommy followed, sitting beside his friend, feeling the soft grass under his hands. He took a breath of the fresh air. There were no signs of explosions, fire, fights, none of it, just peace, a completely untouched field. "How did you find this place?" Tommy asked. Ranboos tail twitched with amusement. "I told you, we Enderman always know the best spots to relax." The boy didn't say any more, he didn't need to. All he wanted to do was relax. He felt something being put on his head and glanced to see his friend placing a flower crown on him. Yellow, red, and white flowers. "I made this for you and thought now was the best time to give it to you." Ranboo said with a purr. Tommy chuckled. "You're too kind for me. And too good of a person to be on his horrible server.." He trailed off. He felt his friend hug him. "No one in this server deserves to deal with all the bad stuff. Not even you. You guys should've been living in peace." Ranboo spoke. Tommy smiled again. "You're a good person and i'm glad you've never had to deal with any troubles of you own. You deserve your peace." He said. Though Ranboos smile faded a bit and his gaze darkened. "Peace..yeah.."

Tommy was awaken by a knock on his door. He groaned when he saw it wasn't even day yet. Who the hell is knocking at this hour?  He thought with a groan as he got up and walked to the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The boy opened the door and looked outside to see Ranboo standing outside, a cold and dull expression on his face. "Ranboo? What are you doing here?-" His friend didn't reply, though instead pulled out his sword and swung at Tommy, missing by barely a strand of hair. Tommy stumbled back in shock, running out of his house. "Woah, woah woah! The hell are you doing?!" He demanded, hoping this were all a prank, though Ranboo showed no signs of laughter, in fact, he practically looked like a zombie! "Ranboo, answer me!" His friend ran at him again, though Tommy pulled out his shield, holding it up to block the Enderman hybrids blow. "Ranboo!" He looked into the Enderman hybrids eyes, seeing nothing, but emptiness, a completely blank expression on his face. Tommy felt betrayed, tears forming and flowing down his cheeks as he gazed at his friend with a hurt expression on his face. Fear and pain flickered in Ranboos eyes for a moment, causing the Enderman hybrid to back away a bit, though the fear disappeared immediately after. Not wanting to go anywhere where anyone else could be, he ran off towards the flower field Ranboo had shown him that day, remembering how it seemed to have never been explored. He didn't stop as he heard his friend giving chase. Almost bumping into trees and tripping over sticks, he eventually reached the field, skidding into a halt and shifting his gaze around quickly, before looking back to see Ranboo coming through. He held his breath, seeing his friend making no signs of stopping. "please.." He whispered to himself, shutting his eyes. The boy wanted this to be a nightmare, a bad dream. He opened his eyes to see Ranboo just standing in front of him, starting to tremble. There was a pale lime green color flashing in his eyes. The same eye color that belonged to the only person on the server with those cold eyes.. Dream... The Enderman hybrids eyes were full of fear as the green flashing in his dull eyes stopped. Tommy realized this wasn't Ranboos doing and slowly approached his friend, holding out a hand to him. "R-Ranboo?.." Ranboo who'd been gazing at the ground, slowly looked up at Tommy, fear and pain in his eyes. The Enderman hybrid didn't move anymore as Tommy got close enough to put a hand on his cheek, looking at him, though not directly in the eyes. "You're okay.." The boy murmured to his friend, softly. Slowly, he pulled out the flower crown from his inventory and put it in Ranboos hands. "Remember this?" He asked, keeping his voice low. The Enderman hybrid slowly nodded, the fear still clouding his eyes, though they were now full of life once again, not like how dead they were moments ago. "Let's sit down.." Ranboo once again nodded slowly and followed beside Tommy, sitting down in the same spot from earlier that day. As soon as they were sitting down, Ranboo burst into tears, hugging onto Tommy as he sobbed. "I-I'm sorry!.." His voice came out as a wail. The boy started to rub circles onto his friends back to sooth him. "You're fine.. you're fine.." Tommy replied. He heard his friends sobs fade into a comfortable silence. Tommy smiled, though he couldn't help thinking about how Dream was just using Ranboos body like that.. Those cold green eyes were unmistakable. "You're fine.."

Moon/Author:Ayooooo It's your favorite furry! I've returned with another allium duo oneshot. (btw nO sHiPs-) Anyways hope you are having a wonderful day/noon/night!

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