Cold (ReviveBoo, But Different. Allium Duo Angst)

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TW: Mentions of death, violence, not being in control, mentions of past trauma, mentions of hiding emotions, mentions of crying. 

Tommy sighed as he and Ghostboo sat on the roof of his dirt house. Usually they'd be on the bench, but most of the area was covered with obsidian, due to Badboyhalos trolling- The only part he managed to uncover was part of his house. Ghostboo though decided to be a jerk and watch, just for amusement. Tommy had to admit it was kinda funny how the ghost teased him like that, but it also hurt his heart a bit. He remembered how Ranboo would've dedicated to helping him. How Ranboo would've been making small jokes and chuckles as they helped him. It hurt to know they were dead. Sure Ghostboo was fine, but they weren't them. They weren't Ranboo. The dead Ender hybrid was kind and caring, while Ghostboo was teasing and careless. That's what really upset Tommy. The boy sighed again, getting to his feet. "Gotta keep trying to uncover my house. Stupid Badboyhalo-" Ghostboo grinned cheekily. "Ooo and I can sit here and watch again." They stuck their purple tongue out at the boy, and he couldn't help chuckling a bit. It reminded him of when Ranboo would show his true sassy side and it would always lead to small funny bits. Tommy had to suppress another sigh and pulled out his pickaxe, ready to leap back down to the obsidian covered floor, when he was suddenly shoved down instead. Not having to have expected the random push, he shrieked in surprise as he fell, landing with a small thud. Had Ghostboo done that? Now angered with that thought, he sat up, sitting on his bottom and stared back up at the roof of the house. Expecting to see Ghostboo snickering with amusement, he was horrified to see Dream standing there instead, Ghostboo off a bit farther and blinking in surprise. "Hello Tommy. Good to see you, it's been a while." He greeted smoothly. Tommy let out a shaky breath, staring up at Dream in panic. "W-What do you want from me?" He demanded, trying to muster all the confidence he could in that moment. Dream merely shrugged, moving the smiley mask to the side, so it only covered one of his lime green eyes. "I've got a proposal I feel you'd be interested in." Tommy furrowed his brows, scrambling to his feet and pulling out his sword and shield. Ghostboo had gone beside him, commenting small pointless things such as "this isn't good-" and all. "You've got nothing I want other than for you to leave." He was a bit surprised that he hadn't stuttered, but that was the least on his mind. Dream simply grinned, shifting his gaze over to the ghost beside him and back. "Even if it's about reviving Ranboo?"

Those words froze Tommy up and made Ghostboo flinch as though they'd been struck it a sword. They both clearly hadn't expected those words. Tommy narrowed his eyes at the man as he thought more about it. "And why would you do that? What would you gain? Ranboos respect? They're nothing like Wilbur, so they wouldn't simply bow down to you as soon as you revive them, Dream." Dream shrugged again. "I never said that, but they'd owe me a favor." He explained. Ghostboo frowned, raising an eyebrow. "And why would I agree to a deal made by a homeless green teletubbie?-" Tommy held back a snicker at that, while Dream just narrowed his eyes, muttering. "Forgot how you're not so obedient like this-" Before Tommy could ask what he meant, he was cut off. "That's fine, I can fix this. Ranboo, do you agree?" Ghostboo looked stunned for a moment, glancing at Tommy. "You- want them back.. don't you?" Tommy blinked in surprise. For the first time, the ghost was being serious. He thought for a moment, remembering how he'd caught Tubbo crying once. Thing was- he'd never seen his friend cry before. Tubbo only ever acted tough and happy around them, though Tommy knew it was all an act. That Tubbo wasn't as happy as he pretended. He'd seen what his friend had gone through as well, yet Tubbo was too stubborn to ever mention his problems. That's why it was so surprising when he'd walked into Tubbos room one night, to see him curled up in the corner with his cheeks wet, that showed he'd just been crying. It was sad sight and all he could do was try and comfort him, just as Tubbo had done for him every other time. When Tommy didn't answer due to being lost in thoughts, Ghostboo already seemed to know the answer and spoke, snapping the boy back to reality. "Fine- I'll agree, but only for Tubbo and Tommy." Dream smirked in response. "Great! Just follow me." He turned to leave. "Wait- no no no. You'll be doing it where I say you can. You're not supposed to just be wandering around here and I'd rather be close enough to find someone who can help me if you try anything." Tommy stopped him. The masked man snorted, pulling the mask back over his eyes. "Fine fine, but make it quick. I've got business to get to." Tommy scowled at that, and started to uncover the door which was covered in the stupid obsidian- He kept glancing over his shoulder as he did, when Dream jumped down, now behind him and Ghostboo, who was leaning on an obsidian wall. Finally, he managed to free most his house and went back out to the escaped prisoner. "There, do it in there and get out after." He said bitterly. Dream smile, already walking past Tommy, making him step back. "Alright. Ranboo, follow me." The ghost shrugged going inside the house as well, but Tommy gingerly grabbed their hand, looking up with pleading eyes. "I don't exactly trust him, Ghostboo. What if he does something bad?" He whispered. Ghostboo smiled softly at the boy, taking their hand back and using it the pat his head. "It'll be fine. This is for you and Tubbo. Besides, whats he gonna do, kill me?" They snorted on the last part, and ruffled Tommys hair, before stepping inside the house. He was about to follow them, but Dream had shut the doors, locking it. "Wh- Hey!?" He tried to open the door, but the escaped prisoner only shook his head. "I need privacy for this, Tommy. Go and wait." Tommy let out another scowl, narrowing his sky blue eyes. "Fine-" He decided to wait outside the door. No way was he going to leave his friend alone with Dream! He started to pace around, glancing back up at the door every second.


A few moments had passed and Tommy could've sworn he'd seen a flashing green light from inside, though he knew better than to question that. He'd still been pacing in front of the door, growing more and more frantic. Was Ghostboo okay? Was this really a good idea? Was Dream really just hurting the ghost instead?- His thoughts were interrupted by an Enderman cry, making him blink in surprise. Quickly he went back to the door and pounded on it. "Hey! What are you doing in there? Let me in!-" There wasn't a reply and Tommy began to panic. Though finally- the door opened.

Tommy blinked in surprise as Ranboo stepped out with, long ruffled hair, wrinkled clothes, and some bandages over the white button down, covering the slash wound that caused their death. "Ranboo! Oh thank primes you're back!" He was just about to hug them, but the Ender hybrid moved back, growling. "Step back and move out of my way." They snarled. Their eyes were clouded and their pupils were lime green slits that seemed to burn into the boy. Tommy blinked, taken aback by the sudden change, but, he listened and stepped away a bit. Dream was behind the Ender hybrid and whispered in their ear. Ranboos ear twitched and they walked past Tommy, stalking off. He was just about to call out to them, when he was suddenly grabbed. Tommy shrieked in surprise, whipping their head in dismay to see Dream holding him by the bandanna. "Listen, the only reason I haven't killed you yet, is because I need people to think i've changed. If you tell anyone I was here, I won't hesitate to though." Tommy started to shake a bit, vivid memories of Dream beating him to death in the prison flashing in his mind. Out of instinct, he covered his face with his arms to shield it. Dream just snorted, letting him go. "That was easy." He chirped. The boy took a few breaths to calm himself, suppressing a shudder. "A-and what about Ranboo? W-what did you do to them?" He shakily asked, to partly change the subject. Dream grinned, and began to walk off. "Put them to use once again. Don't interfere if you know what's good for you." He threatened without turning around. All Tommy could think of was that cold look in Ranboos eyes, and Dreams words now. Put them to use once again?.. What did that mean? He stared after his friend, who was now walking by Dreams side, shaking still from the masked mans threat to hurt him. All Tommy knew was that Dream did something to Ranboo.        

Moon/Author: Hewooooooo I'm finally back. Anyways, I kinda wanted to remake my Reviveboo story, but at the same time, I wanted to make an alternate version to the old one, so this is both I guess??- Anyways, have a great day/noon/night!                       

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