Cat Mischief (Empires S2 Randomness) (Old)

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Joel sighed at the message he received in chat.

[SolidarityGaming says in chat: "Joel come get your wife"]

Of course- Sighing again, he unfolded his wings, and began to make his way to Tumble Town. After a while, Joel was met by the heat of the deserted lands. Landing on the terracotta grounds of the empire, he started to walk to the dip in it; Surrounded by the mountains of terracotta was Tumble Town. Wooden builds all in the style of what you'd expect to see in a cowboy movie or something. His personal favorite part was the Toy Story wallpaper he had built around it to mess with the toy- No- no no wait, he made peace with Jimmy. It was against their new law to make toy jokes, he himself agreed to it. At least he could admire the giant statue of himself at the door-frame, also built by the 'Oh So Humble God.' Joel snickered to himself, and dragged his gaze around the dip in the ground, trying to locate the sheriff. After a moment though he just decided to fly down, spreading his white and gold wings, the feathers seeming to shine in the sun's light. He landed in front of the office that connected to the prison cell, and almost immediately he could hear a caterwaul coming from a- cat?  "Wh-" Frowning in confusion, Joel walked over to the source of the sound, peaking through the bars of the cell's window. "Oh my gosh-"

Right in the cell was his wife. Lizzie-

Lizzie was plopped down on the floor, letting out long and bored caterwauls of a cat, a look of pout on her face. Though the moment she noticed her husband, she quickly scrambled to her pa- hands. "Oh Joel, thank goodness you're here!"

"Wh- Lizzie?! Bae, what are you doing in there?" He questioned, both baffled and amused. ",And we're you just making cat sounds?" Lizzie blinked at the last question, shutting her mouth for a moment. Though she finally cleared her throat, and spoke, "I have- no idea what you are speaking about Joel, I am a perfectly normal human that makes perfectly normal human sounds." Joel just gave an unconvinced snort. "Whatever, how on earth did you even end up in there? What did you do?"

"I'll tell you what she did; Your own wife here decided to break all our new laws." The God jolted up at the new voice, quickly spinning around to come face to face with the sheriff, Jimmy. The man had finally been returned to his normal height, and was now standing there, his arms folded. "Wh-" He glanced back at his wife. "-Lizzie! Did you really?" Lizzie scoffed. "Well yeah, but it was a small prank."



Joel shook his head slowly, trying not to feel amused. He wasn't allowed to- not after making peace with the sheriff. Jimmy wouldn't take kindly to him breaking their truce. Outside he finally saw the rows of Jimmy plushies. Inhaling a sharp breath to fully shove back his laughter, he spoke, "Lizzie, did you not read the new law?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, inwardly hoping she hadn't, giving her the excuse of that. Then again, his wife was quite obviously a cat, and this seemed rather in character for her- Lizzie just blinked. "New laws?" she echoed, tilting her head. Thank Go- wait- he was God- Joel sighed in relief, turning back to the blonde. "Alright, I apologize for my wife's behavior," Lizzie gave an offended hiss at that, but he ignored it. "I'll take care of everything if that's what it takes-" Jimmy sniffed. "What i'd like is for Lizzie to get out of Tumble Town-" Joel snickered. "Right, right-" With that, he went inside the office, Jimmy walking by his side. Once at the cell door, the blonde opened the door, and Lizzie dashed past, Jimmy blinking. "Oh-" Joel realized Lizzie had already left their sight. Well that was- interesting- Jimmy and Joel stood there for a moment in silence. 

"Well her prank was funny-"


Moon/Author: AYYYYYYYYY, My first Empires one-shot! :D I started to write this one around the time Joel made peace with Jimmy, thinking it be a funny scenario. :> 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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