The Run In (Dundy I guess-)

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TW: Mentions of arguments, failed marriage, feeling unloved/uncared for, anxiousness. 

Fundy sighed as he walked through the smp, kicking a pebble. He honestly felt pretty exhausted and irritated. He and Tommy both had to sit through another argument by Wilbur and Quackity and he had finally gotten away and could go to the one place he felt at peace. The forest. Maybe it was because he was a fox, or because how calming nature was, but he really only felt happy when in a forest. Though he still did feel hollow. It felt like no one loved nor cared about him. He had to admit Wilbur did try and talk to him before, but he felt it would just lead back to square one. Quackity was a crappy boss and Fundy didn't really have many choices. The only ones he truly could look to and not be anxious around were the minors and former minors. Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, and Purpled. He didn't know about Eryn though- He was too new and never actually talked to the kid. All he knew was that he was old friends with Tommy. And Purpled also worked for Quackity yet they didn't interact too much. The thought that upset him the most was the fact the only truly responsible ones in the smp were barely adults. He should've felt safe around other adults, but instead he felt anxious. The fox gritted his teeth as all these thoughts ran through his head. Honestly, he was usually always thinking these things. The only thing that cheered him at that moment was when he saw a forest off in the distance. Ears pricking up, he began to run to it, tail swishing behind him. Once he got past a few of the trees and was deep enough in, he slowed his pace and shifted his gaze around. A nice oak forest with soft looking green grass under his shoes and brushing his bushy, soft tail which was a bright ginger that looked like it been dipped in white at the tip. He adjusted the black hat on his head so it didn't fall off in the breeze that blew past. A pond sparkled off in the distance, along with a normal fox lapping at the clear blue water. Fundy smiled at this, slowly approaching the fellow fox. The fox looked up, fur bristling, but settled once it scented him. He simply had the same smell as it, so it was calm. Fundy sat down by the pond on the opposite side of the fox, waving at it. The fox flicked an ear in greeting, lifting its snout once again. This was nice. Finally some peace.. The foxes ears pricked up suddenly, letting out a warning yelp and ran off. Fundy blinked in surprise, turning his head to check behind him. He gasped. Dream.. He scrambled to his paws, pulling out his sword. It was glowing in the sun and reflecting the fear and anger on his face. "You!" He growled, knowing already how the escaped prisoner was. "Yes me. What? Am I not allowed to say hello?" Dream tilt his head to the side slightly. Fundy scowled. "You're supposed to be in prison. I don't want your petty 'hello.'" Dream giggled, stepping closer. "Ohhhh why of course. I get it. Someone with such low life isn't allowed to say hello to a beautiful king such as you." The man bowed and took the foxes black furred paw, planting a kiss on it and gazing up into his soft brown eyes. Fundy yelped in surprise at that, pulling his paw back and wiping it on his pants. Honestly, that flustered him a bit, but he was mainly shooken, and angered. He lift his sword to Dreams throat, growling at the man. "Listen, enough of your gosh damn games. What  the hell are you trying to do?" Dream calmly glanced at the glistening sword, putting a finger to the edge and simply pushing it down and away from his throat. He had his mask to the side so it only covered one of his emerald green eyes, and his dirty blond hair seemed to glow in the sun. Fundy had to admit he did look pretty cute if you somehow ignored his past. Memories of their wedding flashed in his mind, though he quickly shook them. "Like I said, I'm only here to say hi." Dream finally responded. Fundy snorted, raising an eyebrow. "Well, you've said your hello. Now you can leave." He was somewhat surprised at the courage he was showing while being face to face with Dream. The man had done many horrible and chilling things in the past, and yet here he was; ordering Dream to buzz off. Dream frowned dramatically, getting close enough to the point Fundy was having to dig his heels into the ground to keep himself from falling into the pond. "I don't want to leave though. This seems like such a promising friendship, possibly more. We don't know." He shrugged. Friendship?  Fundy snarled at that, putting his paws to Dreams chest in attempt to shove him back, though that only made him fall back. He yelped, shutting his eyes as he awaited to feel the cold water wet his clothes and fur, but it never came. He felt a firm grip on his wrist and opened his eyes, baffled to find Dream keeping him from falling, gripping firmly onto his wrist and grinning with amusement. "Well that was a fail-" He muttered under his breath, too embarrassed to resist when Dream picked him up and brought him a few tail lengths away from the pond, then put him back on his feet? -paws?-. Fundy sighed, folding his arms, then lifting one to rub the bridge of his nose. "Alright alright, you've had your little moment of amusement. Happy now?-" Dream scoffed. "Wow, not even gonna thank me?" He questioned. Fundy flatten his black ears, sighing. "Right- thank you, I guess-.." He muttered. Dream smiled. "That's better. I've got to get going now. Being on the run and all-" He giggled and continued. "See ya again, Fundy!" Without warning, the man kissed him on the lips and pulled out his trident, running to the pond and using it to propel himself into the air with his trident. Fundy was bewildered, blinking a few times as he tried to process what had happened. His face felt hot and his fur was sticking on end. Did Dream just-                        

Moon/Author: Disclaimor; I am NOT shipping their irl/real life selves. These are C! them/their characters they play. The two have jokingly gone on a Minecraft date and a failed wedding. They're fine with this as long as we don't make inappropriate things on them, which I obviously won't be doing-  Anyways, I've become obsessed with the ship recently and decided to make this for fun. If ya want more, then make sure to tell me in the comments. :^  And remember to have a great day/noon/night! Byeee!  

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