Yellow Again

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It's me.

Burnt Out is finished, so I decided to make another book. (psst if you simp for Hawks go read Burnt Out)


I realized how scarce quality fanfiction of Natsuo there is—actually, I only found one. I might not be looking in the right places, though. Who knows. Anyways, because of the lack of these fanfics, I decided to make one. This may not be the A++ quality you're looking for, but it will definitely be better than a lot of things on this platform.

Now that being said, I don't have a great feel for this character and am going off of Wikipedia so some things may be out of character. I'm sorry i'm advance.

Some information:

You're Mrs. Joke's younger sister

You end up with Natsuo (obviously that's why you're here probably)

And you have an eating disorder.

Keep in mind that the eating disorder given to Y/n is based off of personal experiences, and if it doesn't align with what you went through if you ever had it, it's because it's based off me. What I went through, and am still going through, is loss of appetite and nausea whenever I eat. I barely eat anything, but it's not anorexia, if that makes sense.

At least I'm pretty sure it's not anorexia. My doctor hasn't said anything about what I have being anorexia.

This Y/n in specific is based very strongly off of me.

Another thing, if someone in the comments mentions something about they themselves having an eating disorder, do not mock it. Not only is it rude, but I will take it extremely personally and call you out on it in the comments, and on a chapter I publish. I don't care if that's rude of me, you're the one that decided to make fun of someone because of how much or how little they eat.

Also, what color are Fuyumi's eyes? Cuz on her Wiki page it says they're turquoise in the manga but gray in the anime so I'm kinda really fucking confused here.

I'm pretty sure that's all I have to say soooo

Peace ✌🏼 


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