Chapter 8: Pep Talks with Yonda

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"Y/nnnnnnnn," Yonda dragged out. "Stop overthinking this. I know for a fact that that boy loves you with everything he has."

"But how do you know that?" I asked. It was about one in the afternoon the next day, and, per usual, I was overthinking everything about the day before. I just so happened to pass by the bookshop/café Yonda works at, and was able to catch her on her break. "What if he only said that to give me hope and get me to stay with him just to keep pissing Endeavor off?"

"Sweetie, you know I love you as a person, but this overthinking is too much and it's making you doubt your amazing self." Yonda reached across the table, taking both my hands in hers and giving them a comforting squeeze. "I know he loves you because every day he came here and asked me about what you like so he could set up a date. It got kind of annoying."

"But still. I just don't want a replay of what happened in high school."

"Those boys were jerks. You deserve better than Ribaundo anyways, and that better person is Natsuo," Yonda reasoned. "Don't throw away this amazing opportunity for love just because you're scared high school's gonna replay."

I let out a sigh, knowing that there was no way I was going to get Yonda to shut up about how amazing I am and how I deserve so much better and that better is Natsuo.

"Maybe you're right."

Yonda smiled, taking her hands away from mine and pulling her hair into a ponytail. "Of course I'm right. I always am. Anyways, I gotta get back to my shift. See you later?"

I nodded. "Next time we talk about you and your lover boy. What was his name again? Iida, or something like that?"

Yonda's cheeks flared red, and she turned around to hide it from me. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Without letting anything else be said, she grabbed a tray and walked back behind the counter.

Not even a few seconds later, a boy with blue hair showed up. I knew this was the boy Yonda went on about because she seemed more flustered and attentive around him.

Oh well, I'll take that as my cue to leave.

So I did. I stood up and walked to the closest bus stop, deciding to take a walk in the park to clear my head.

The bus was more cramped than usual, and I was forced to stand up and hold onto one of the bus pole things when an older woman that looked like she had walking problems walked in.

I accidentally bumped into one or two people, my anxiety going wild as I attempted an apology.

I was internally freaking out for the next five minutes, wondering if they noticed that I definitely wasn't in my element and thinking about how I could've done that better.

I wish Natsuo was here to help me calm down.

My anxiety seemed to pause at that thought. It was so sudden and out of the blue, I didn't even know what to think of it.

All I know is that, while it is a surprising thought and something I definitely didn't think would even cross my mind, it's true. I found myself staring at the ring Natsuo gave me and smiling at what our future together could hold.

And just like that, the anxiety that had been aroused went back down—all because a quick thought of Natsuo crossed my mind.

He was like some sort of numbing drug, or something. Just thinking about him could make almost any and all negative emotions go away. He had even been helping me with my rating problem a little bit. I always listened when he told me to eat at least something, and I had gained more of the weight that I wanted because of it.

We haven't known each other long and he's already helped me with so many things that I've struggled with throughout life.

And it seemed to finally process in my brain that I was absolutely smitten with him.

I am in some deep shit.

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