Chapter 14: Eh

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I seriously regret going to the café Yonda works at. This was a terrible idea. What was I thinking?

For context, I decided it would be a wonderful idea to waltz into the café with Natsuo. With my left hand on full display for all the world to see.

I am so stupid sometimes.

Almost immediately, I heard Yonda announce that she was taking her break. She quickly took off her cap and apron and threw them to the side, stepping out from behind the counter. She grabbed both me and Natsuo by the hand, forcing us to sit at her favorite table.

She stared at us expectantly, waiting for us to announce what she, no doubt, already knew.

"So," she started, trying not to sound too suspicious, "anything you want to announce, or something? Any questions, anything of the sort?"

"Yeah, we went to McDonald's last night and the ice cream machine actually worked," I replied, completely dodging what she was expecting me to say.

"It was a complete miracle," Natsuo said. "It was actually cold like normal ice cream, too."

Yonda's expressionless face was enough to get the message you two suck, you know that, right? across. She decided to say that anyways. "You two are terrible. I mean the ring! Did you propose to her?"

Natsuo broke out into a big smile, brightening up the whole room. "I did. And, as you can see, she said yes."

His bright smile caused me to smile brightly, too. It was very clear that Yonda was happy for us, but she would also never leave me alone about anything, so I know she's going to find some small detail from this moment to tease me about for the rest of my life.

"Let me see the ring!" she exclaimed, taking my hand and admiring her work. "Weow, I did a really good job on this, actually."

"I hope you did," Natsuo replied.

"Listen, it was my first time making jewelry from scratch," Yonda explained. "I even told you it wouldn't be the best and you'd be better off going to a professional jeweler, but you insisted that I make it.

"Anyways, Y/n, when are you planning on actually getting married? Because before then, I would like to throw you a bachelorette party. I could make a Pinterest board and start coming up with ideas and everything."

"Yonda, I would like to say that we only got engaged last night," I pointed out. "Right now we're really just worried about letting our family and close friends know."

Yonda nodded. "Understandable. I'm still going to start planning that bachelorette party."

"Should I be scared?"

Yonda shrugged, saying her break was almost over and she needed to get back to work. We said our goodbyes and left that café without even getting coffee. I think just the excitement of being together and engaged was enough to fuel us for the day.

I still wanted coffee, though. But not with the mood Yonda's in. Knowing her, she probably already blabbed to her coworkers about what we just told her.

Since my parents' house was closer than the hospital Natsuo's mom is staying in, we decided to pay them a visit first.

And lucky us, Emi was also there, and now we didn't need to track her down.

And of course, they all seemed to know what happened, this the intrusive questions start.

"Y/n, Natsuo, tell us everything!"

"Have you already started thinking about bridesmaids and groomsmen?"

"How many people are even attending the wedding?"

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