Chapter 5: Tales of Life

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Currently, I am flopped face down on my bed as I rethink every decision I've ever made in life.

Specifically the one I made last weekend. About the date.

I've literally never been on a date before and I can't believe my first one is with an insanely attractive guy.

I'm going to mess this up.

What do I even wear on a date? What does one wear to something like this? Do I go casual, formal, like what

I eventually decided that a nice pair of dressy pants and a blouse with flats would do. So I dug in my closet to find it, not even changing into it until five minutes before Natsuo was supposed to pick me up.

"Hi," I said, still patting my hair down. I opened the door to let him into my apartment, letting him wander around the living room/kitchen/dining room area a bit.

"Are you ready?" he asked, turning to face me. He wore black pants and a white shirt, a leather jacket hanging on his shoulder.

I nodded, following him out of my apartment and locking the door behind me.

"So," I started as we began walking down the hall to the elevator. "What are we doing tonight?"

"Because I am broke and couldn't manage to find and borrow Endeavor's card, we are going for a walk in the park and stargazing," he responded.

I nodded as we walked into the elevator.

Cue the awkward elevator silence.

I swear, elevators are so awkward and for what? Like who decided it would be a good idea to build a box to trap people in until they reach their destination?

After a while, we stepped out of the elevator and went to our date destination.We walked for what seemed like an enjoyable forever and talked before Natsuo stopped walking and sat on the grass, motioning for me to do the same.

I followed what he did, sitting next to him on the surprisingly soft grass. I laid back, staring up al the cloudless sky and pointlessly counting stars.

"It's impossible to count stars," Natsuo said, laying down beside me. "You always lose track of which ones you've counted and which ones you haven't."

"That doesn't stop me from trying when I'm bored," I whispered, not wanting to break the calm silence around us.

"Do I bore you?"


I really need to just stop saying things because it usually does not work out for me.

"No, I just, get bored easily, I guess," I said. I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment after I said that. "No, that's not what I meant. You're not boring, it's just kinda this thing I have and I get bored of stuff really easily—not that I'm bored of this date, no it's not that—"

Natsuo grabbed my hand, tightening his grip in a comforting way and holding it up and smiling at me before saying, "Calm down. I was just teasing you."

I glanced at him and returned his smile, turning my gaze to look back at the stars and find my favorite constellation—the chameleon.

I don't know, I personally just find it hilarious that someone actually connected the dots and somehow saw a chameleon.

"Let's play a sort of game," Natsuo suddenly blurted. His volume level was quiet, the same mine had been earlier. He had been looking at the sky as well, turning his head to meet my eyes. "We exchange questions and answer them—both of us. No matter who asks them."

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