Chapter 13:

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I was leaning on the kitchen counter, smiling like an absolute idiot and admiring the new ring on my finger when Natsuo walked out of my room. I only knew he was there when he planted a kiss on my temple and wrapped his arms around me.

"Morning, baby."

That killed me and made me even more giddy than I already was.

I turned to face him, still smiling brightly. "Hi," I said. I don't necessarily like saying things like morning or night  just because it seems sort of useless to me. "How'd you sleep."

"Well, I slept great. The girl I'm absolutely head over heels in love with accepted my marriage proposal, and—"

"Sh! No. We stop right there."

Natsuo shook his head slightly, resting his forehead on mine. "I want her to know that she is stunning and has absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. How'd your night go?"

"Well, this very attractive medical welfare student proposed to me last night. He gave me this really pretty ring when I said yes."

Natsuo took my left hand in his, bringing it to his mouth and kissing it. "It's the perfect accessory for you."

And thus we are here.

I don't even know, we're just smiling like idiots and those smiles aren't going anywhere.

I know that we've only been together for a year, BUT.

Actually I have no reason. This relationship might go down in flames, but oh well. Everything is meaningless anyways, so I might as well just enjoy it while I can before my meaningless life comes to a meaningless end.

"Natsuo," I started. He hummed, something I've noticed to be his hint for me to continue talking. "I've been wanting to ask you this for a while, but I haven't because I'm not exactly sure how you feel about this person, and I don't wanna, like, unleash some really passionate emotion because you feel strongly about each of your family members—anyways, before I take off, I wanna get the point across and say that I want to meet your mom. I mean, I don't have to if you don't want me to, but from the bits and pieces you've told me about her she seems like a nice woman and I think she'd like to know that one of her children is in a relationship and whatnot. Plus, I also want to see if she approves of me because she's obviously known you longer or whatever and I feel like she'd know if—"

"Hey, slow down, okay?" Natsuo said, a small but genuine smile on his face. "I would love for you to meet my mom. Don't worry about her not liking you because she will, okay? We can go meet her later today if you want? I don't have classes and I know you don't either because it's a Saturday."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. It's such a relief to know that he doesn't hate both of his parents with a seething passion and actually wants me to meet at least one. "Thank you," I said. "Also, I feel like we need to tell like my parents, and Emi, and your dad, and siblings, probably Yonda, but I can do that, and if you want to tell any of your friends you can do that and everything, I don't really know."

"We'll let them know. Tell you what, we can go get coffee at the café Yonda works at and tell her there, then we can go visit my mom. We can probably go to your parents house afterwards, too. Fuyumi arranged another family dinner for tonight, so if you want you could join us."

"Will Endeavor be there?"

Natsuo let out a frustrated breath, upset at that fact the pro will be there. "Yup."

"I know you don't like him, but he is your father and he deserves to know that you're engaged. We don't even have to tell him tonight if you don't want to. We could just tell Fuyumi and Shoto and ask them to keep quiet about it if you want, okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah, we'll probably do that. I'll think more on it, though. God, I love you so much, Y/n."

"I love you too." I smiled and leaned up to kiss him.


This mainly is just a filler update because I haven't updated in a while and you guys should probably know that I won't update for another long while because it's reaching the end of the school year for me and school is kicking my ass with EOC's and stuff and I can't even. So yeah, updates are going to be scarce, but I should start again somewhere after May 26 to June-ish. Somewhere in there.

Also I would like to note that the next time I update this book I would like to update in bulk and get all the rest of this books chapters written out and published at once.

This mainly is because I have ideas and motivation to write this book, but I don't have ideas and motivation to write this book, you feel me?

I also have another book I haven't updated since March and I need to start working on that too.

Anyways, that's the update. Basically life is crappy.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the filler chapter and look forward to the next update because it's going to be a lot of chapters (hopefully the rest of the book) at once!

Also like vote and comment too if you don't mind 👀


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