Chapter 2: Late Night McDonald's

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Natsuo and I ended up borrowing my sisters car and driving to the nearest McDonald's. Seeing as I didn't have my drivers license yet, Natsuo drove us there.

Let me just say, he is a much better driver than Emi for sure.

"What do you want?" Natsuo asked, pulling up to the drive-thru behind a red car.

"Just a medium fry and coke," I responded, digging through the center console for my wallet to pay.

Natsuo put his hand over mine, pulling it away. "I'll pay," he said. "I managed to grab my dads credit card earlier."

I snickered. "You are a bad person, Natsuo," I said. I put my hands back in my lap, fidgeting with the bracelet around my wrist. I couldn't tell if it was out of boredom or because a cute guy was in my car, but either way I was still a little nervous.

"Can I get a cheese burger, two large fries and two cokes?"

I snapped my head towards him. "I just said medium."

"In my personal experience, when a girl says medium, she means large," he retorted.

"I can definitely tell you that I'm not like most girls in that sense," I said, turning my head to look back out the window.

Natsuo groaned after finalizing his order with the cashier person. "God, don't tell me you're one of those 'iM qUiRkY' girls."

I laughed again, shaking my head and facing him. "God no. I promise you it's something completely different."

Natsuo hummed in response—one of those joking I don't believe you hums. When we had gotten our food, we just drove around for a while, making small talk with each other.

"What's your quirk?" I asked.

"I generate ice," he said, grabbing a few fries and sticking them in his mouth. "You?"

Damn it. I backed myself into a corner. Why did I even ask that if I knew he would want my answer to that too? Jesus, I'm an idiot sometimes.

"What do you think it is?" Not me trying to hold off on answering him.

He pulled into a parking spot in a random parking lot, leaning back in his seat. "Well your sister makes people laugh uncontrollably, and seeing as you're sort of a more depressed version of her—no offense."

"None taken."

"I'm assuming you can make people sad."

I nodded, processing his thoughts. It actually does make sense.

"That is an excellent guess," I said. "However, you're very wrong."

He raised his eyebrows briefly. "Not really surprised."

"I'm quirkless."

I could definitely tell that surprised him. He stopped mid-chew, staring at me as though he was trying to figure out if I was lying. I tried not to focus on the fact that he was looking at me, instead deciding to stare ahead at a lamp post.


"Yup," I said, nodding. "Unless I have like some immortality quirk, which I wouldn't be able to know about until everyone I know dies. So, you know."

Natsuo was just staring at me. I could tell some of the gears in his head were turning, and I wish I knew what he was thinking in that moment.

I lifted my hand to my mouth, beginning to chew on my nails—another nervous tick of mine. This time, it's definitely because there's an attractive guy sitting in the car with me. It doesn't help that he's staring at me.

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