Chaper 3: The Proposal Plan

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Authors note: This is a part that got messed up in my original.

Aang's point of view.
As the sky darkened Katara was sleeping peacefully on the saddle. We decided just to continue flying through the night as we were only a few hours off Ba Sing Say, I would take the first shift then at about midnight I would have to wake her - she would get annoyed if I didn't. But I didn't mind the extra flying time. I doubt I could sleep if I even I tried, all I can think about is my earlier revelation. So, whilst she's asleep I am going to plan the perfect proposal since it's all I can think about anyway. I have divided it into 5 parts:

Step 1: Get Sokka's Permission
Okay so first I need Sokka's permission. I know I should really go to their father but I don't really know him to well and I know is Sokka approves than he will too...



No, no that should be a definitely.

Right? I mean he let her travel the world with me for years, and he did know we were dating. So, I guess that means he approved of me to take care of her - although she was more likely to be the one talking care of me. I'm going to still ask Sokka. And probably go and get their fathers permission.

But that's at the bottom of the world! It will be such a long trip! And I'd have to do it without Katara to avoid her finding out. But what if that made her suspicious? We travelled together solving the world's problems for years. I never asked her not to come! Oh, sprits I'm over thinking this aren't I? I'll just see what Sokka says and then make a decision.

Step 2: Avoid Suspicion/ Think of Cover for the Plan
Okay so my next part solely depends on me getting Sokka's blessing and well I suppose my whole plan does too.

Maybe I'm not over think that first step...

Ah anyway. So first I need to think of a cover so I can set up everything, and go away on my own. Okay think Aang think. What is a valid reason to leave everyone? On one of the few rare occasions you all meet up. Nearly on Sokka and Suki's anniversary. Without sounding suspicious. Or rude.

Oh, this is going to be hard.

Okay, I could say I have some avatar-ey or spirt-ey stuff to do. Oh, but that could make them want to come with me. Especially for old times' sake.

Um well, I could say I am preparing a surprise. But then Sokka could waltz in with that ridiculous detective hat and figure it out especially since it's our anniversaries coming up, the imminent romantic gesture would be far too easy to spot. Wait no, I'm asking for Sokka's blessing so he's not a problem. But then is it even still super obvious to the others?

Shoot Toph. I can't lie in front of her! She can read my heart rate like a book etched in stone! Especially if I'm freaking out about the enormity of a task, I am trying to do without Katara knowing. I would have to confide into Toph about my plan. Oh, that could help. I could ask her to "teach" me metal bending or ask her to ask me to help out in her metal bending school. But then the others would want to see what I "learned."

Spirits I'm over think this far too much.

Okay, I will end up telling Toph so she doesn't instantly know I'm lying. But where do I go from there? I could rope in Mai or Suki or someone and get them to have a girl's weekend before Suki's anniversary. I might not even need to tell Suki as she could get too excited, whereas Mai was far too good at hiding her emotions. She could "suggest" it for the three, and even invite others if she wanted. This could work.

Ha ha yes! I have a plan. Well at least a cover story. I jumped in the air, using my air bending to soften my decent to reduce any noise.

Okay with that cover I need to sort out the actual proposal.

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